Urban Ecology: the green within the city
The goal of this course is to provide to the participants with current and practical knowledge on urban ecology, including ecological and social aspects.
The goal of this course is to provide to the participants with current and practical knowledge on urban ecology, including ecological and social aspects.
In this course, we promote a multidisciplinary approach presenting the most recent findings on the topic and challenging the traditional way of considering symbiotic associations as exceptions and not as the rule.
The course SoilEco aims at introducing attendants to an updated state of the art of diversity of the soil biota and the functional roles played by soil organisms in key ecological processes.
EvoS aims at turning evolutionary theory into a common language to areas that pertain to the natural world, including human affairs.
This course aims to evidence the importance of natural history collections for the study of biodiversity, to show new tools and approaches to extract and disseminate biodiversity data from natural history collections and to increase awareness of young researchers for the scientific and cultural value of Natural History Museums.
The course aims at providing an introduction to stable isotopes ratios as tools to understand global, ecosystem and community level bio/geo cycles; light isotopes: H, N, C, O and S isotopes, geo cycles and ecological significance; sampling and analytical methodologies in stable isotope analysis.
Onde vivem as 13 espécies de cigarras conhecidas em Portugal? É este o desafio lançado pelo projeto Cigarras de Portugal, do cE3c.
The objective of this course is to introduce participants to the details of communicating science to non-specialized audiences, including, but not exclusive to, public and private stakeholders, students and teachers, and media professionals.
O evento inclui breves apresentações sobre áreas onde todos podemos intervir na sustentabilidade das cidades, sem esquecer os dilemas da sustentabilidade ambiental, com investigadores e especialistas nestas áreas.
Encontro Scientia, por Inês Campos (CCIAM - cE3c).