II International Workshop

On the Origin and Evolution of the Nautical Chart

Instituto Hidrográfico, Lisboa
Mapa antigo

[Pedro Fernandes], c. 1545. Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

The main objective of this workshop is to bring together all researchers interested in the history of old nautical charts, most especially those produced in the Middle Ages and early modern period.

This will be the fourth event of the series of meetings organized, since 2016, by the Faculty of Sciences - the University of Lisbon, dedicated to the history of nautical cartography. While the two first meetings focused on the history of portolan charts, their scope was later broadened to encompass a larger historical period. Although still ascribing a central relevance to the issues surrounding the origins and evolution of nautical cartography, the present workshop also aims to proceed with the discussion around important related subjects, such as the ones suggested in the following proposed themes:

  • When, where, how, and why the earliest nautical charts were constructed, and how they evolved over time;
  • The mutual influence between medieval and early modern charts and traditional maps of European and non-European origin;
  • The production of medieval and early modern charts and atlases;
  • The use of medieval and early modern nautical charts for planning and executing navigation;
  • The role of multidisciplinary approaches to the research on old nautical charts: cartometric methods of analysis, numerical modeling, multispectral analysis, material characterization, carbon dating, etc.
  • Any other subject related to the history of nautical cartography.

Participation is free but registration is mandatory.

For more information, please visit the official website.​​​​

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