Sessão de Informação sobre o programa HiTech

Auditório do Tec Labs, FCUL, Lisboa

HiTech is a training Program that supports researchers’ translating cutting-edge technology and scientific discoveries into business opportunities. It provides skills to participants in technology commercialization and entrepreneurship in an environment where teams can test the market relevance of their projects and create a well-grounded business case with the help of faculty, management students and business mentors.

Throughout HiTech participants will meet with US faculty from Brown, Rutgers and North Carolina State universities that will help in the business case development. Also, a set of seminars on relevant topics (e.g., Intellectual Property, Financials, Business Development and Pitching) will be provided.

HiTech first edition will take place between the 28th of February and the 3rd of July, one afternoon per week, in two alternative locations: Porto (Porto Business School) and Lisbon (Nova School of Business and Economics).  Participation in the Program does not involve the payment of fees and applications are open until the 19th of January, through the application form available here.  

HiTech is an initiative of the newly created HiSeedTech - Associação para a Valorização do Conhecimento, that, although recently born, capitalizes on a legacy of fourteen years’ experience in connecting scientific and technological knowledge with the market.

If you plan to attend, please register here.


Tec Labs - Centro de Inovação
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