Following on from the success and impact of the first Portuguese Symposium on Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence, the 2nd Symposium is once again being organized, promoted and supported by Alcochete City Council and is being scientifically coordinated by NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) and the Centre for Philosophy of Science at the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) and Nova Institute of Philosophy (IFILNOVA).
With the motto “Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, the aim is to explore the impact of some aspects of AI on our society and what it means to be human in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Being human is to act, think and feel in certain ways. The omnipresence of AI in contemporary society will insurmountably and irreversibly change the way we are.
The Symposium on Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence features keynote interventions and round tables. Its main objective is to deploy synergies between various domains of scientific thought around AI, including stakeholders from the industry and the civil society. We intend to further contribute to the technological, economic, and ethical development of AI in Portugal.
Organização: Câmara Municipal de Alcochete.
Coordenação científica: Helder Coelho (FCUL) , Ernesto Costa (UC), João L. Cordovil (CFCUL/GI2), Paulo Castro (CFCUL/GI2), Klaus Gärtner (CFCUL/FCUL), Robert Clowes (IFILNOVA/FSCH- UNL), Alipio Jorge (UP- INESCT TEC), Vítor Santos (NOVA IMS).
Mais informações: https://simposiofia.pt/.