
The Web-of-Life - An Evolutionary Stimulus in Changing Environments?

Anfiteatro, Fundação da FCUL, Lisboa

Michael Arnold
Distinguished Research Professor, Department of Genetics, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA

“One of the most spectacular facets of the newer studies of evolution has been the demonstration that evolution has not proceeded by slow, even steps but that seen in the large there have been bursts of creative activity.” With this provocative statement, Anderson and Stebbins (1954) began their description of Hybridization as an Evolutionary Stimulus. Their arguments concerning the role of natural hybridization in promoting evolutionary innovations emphasized the catalyst of genetic admixture leading to introgressed genomes and hybrid species. In particular, they predicted that recombination between divergent genomes had provided the material necessary for natural selection to rapidly produce novel phenotypes capable of invading the niches opened during climatic perturbations. In this seminar, I will consider “climate change” to include environmental fluctuations caused by climatic shifts or by dispersal to a different habitat regime; it includes both micro- and macro-habitat modifications. This broadened definition is chosen intentionally in order to reflect how temporally- and geographically- widespread climate change has been and thus how often it catalyzes evolutionary innovations through associated genetic exchange. In addition to the conceptual breadth provided by this definition, I will highlight the organismic diversity reflecting genetic admixture during climate perturbations by discussing examples from across different domains of life. Using a diversity of clades I will thus illustrate the creative outcomes of genetic admixture associated with climatic shifts, including adaptive evolutionary change and biodiversification (as reflected by the origin of single evolutionary lineages as well as entire adaptive radiations).

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais
Logótipo do prémio

As candidaturas à 11.ª edição decorrem até 28 de junho.

Vai realizar-se em Lisboa, nos dias 28 e 29 de junho de 2024, o 37.º Encontro do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática.

Logótipo do Verão na ULisboa, sobre um fundo amarelo

Uma oportunidade única de conheceres e experimentares o ritmo e o espírito da vida académica!

The topics of the conference include (but are not limited to) classical and quantum integrable systems, complex geometry of moduli spaces, automorphic forms and their applications to number theory.

Título/data do evento, logótipos das entidades organizadoras e fotografia de Lisboa (Castelo de S. Jorge e respetiva colina)

Inscrição (taxa reduzida) até 20 de abril.

Título/data/local do evento, logótipos das entidades organizadoras e várias fotografias da orla costeira e de pessoas

Escola de verão com um programa muito diversificado, com especialistas em vários tópicos, que vão falar sobre formas de olhar para o nosso planeta de uma forma integrada, juntando conhecimentos de várias disciplinas.

Are you a BSc or MSc student interested in Soft Matter, Non-linear Dynamics and Waves or Particle Physics?

Vem investigar connosco!

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo branco

Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.
