Candidaturas a Bolsas de Doutoramento prolongadas até 31 de outubro de 2017.
Mais informações disponíveis na página do Programa Doutoral.
The Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI), is a new research institute established in 2015 devoted to integrative sciences, biological and biomedical research. Our main assets are excellence, innovation, originality and cooperation. BioISI had been evaluated as excellent and the best fully public Portuguese institute in the field of integrative sciences by an international peer-review panel.
We are currently seeking highly motivated candidates for 11 research fellowship for our PhD programme BioSys.
BioSYS is an international PhD programe in Systems Biology and Integrative Sciences. The candidates will have the opportunity to work in a dynamic and interdisciplinary environment and to develop her/his skills on the BioSys PhD programe by lerning and collaborating with all our national and international partners. The BioISI has an excellent track record of leverage transition of highly qualified individuals for private stakeholders. Net salary will be 980€ (monthly) or 1710€ (when abroad), additional information regarding application can be found here. Further questions can be addressed to Simão Luz (Biosysinfo@fc.ul.pt)