
Power of light: Photo-triggered microcapsules

Sala 8.2.23, FCUL, Lisboa

Bartosz Tylkowski, PhD

Microcapsules are small particles which contain an active agent or core material surrounded by a coating or shell. The utility of microcapsules for efficient cargo storage and targeted release is of considerable importance in fragrance release, personal care and H&F care products.  One of the most challenging tasks and the ultimate purpose of developing delivery systems are to modulate the release of encapsulated cargo substances. Strategies such as heat treatment, pH change, magnetic fields and light-induced morphology change have been used to alter the shell density and integrity, and then to influence capsule permeability. As one of the most interesting parts of stimuli-responsive capsules, photo-stimuli responsive capsules are capable of affecting their micro-/nano-structures in the form of remote control triggered by external light e.g., sun light, without requirement of direct contact or interactions. Moreover, triggering the release of microcapsules by light has a number of advantages over other external stimuli: light does not contaminate the reaction systems; the excitation wavelength can be controlled through the design of the photo-responsive molecule, it is easy to control the time and/or local excitation. The development of such highly light sensitive vesicles is of great importance, especially in the fields of surface sciences and environmental applications, where sometimes light would be the only available stimulus to drive the systems. Our aim was first to synthesize and characterize visible light sensitive monomer and then fabricate photo-triggered microcapsules containing a perfume oil as a core material. These microcapsules were obtained by oil-in-water interfacial polymerization reaction. During the seminar. I will present preliminary results of microcapsules preparation, characterization and controlled perfume release, by means of different techniques (OM, SEM, Light scattering, GCMS).

Dr. Tylkowski is a Polish scientist, who obtained a MSc. Diploma in chemistry from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland in 2004, and a PhD Diploma in chemical science, technology and processes from Universita degli studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy, in 2008. He has a consolidated experience in various aspects of polymeric microcapsules/membranes preparation/characterization as well as bio-inorganic and organic synthesis developed during ca. 13 years of work in the area. Four times he has been a winner of Marie Curie post-doctorate fellowships (OPEN TOK project under 6th FP in Tarragona, Spain (2008-2009); IAPP project under 7th FP in Sofia, Bulgaria (2009-2010); IOF project under 7th FP in Tarragona, Spain/Cincinnati, USA (2013-2016); TecnioSpring COFUND project under 7th FP in Tarragona, Spain (2016-2018)). Twice he has been employed as a post-doctorate researcher under the Procter & Gamble projects where 100% of his work time has been focused on developing new materials for consumer goods. He has participated in 10 competitive (1 time as a PI) and 6 non-competitive research projects (4 times as a PI). He is a co-editor of 5 books; co-author of: 11 book chapters, 20 articles published in indexed journals, 24 articles published in open access journals with external assessment; co-inventors of 4 patents families which were filled as 23 patent applications. His research work was presented 50 times as oral or poster presentations during international or national congresses, and he gave over 30 invited seminars in public and private organizations. Dr. Tylkowski is a co-editor of: special issue of “Coordination chemistry reviews” (IF13.324); “Physical Sciences Reviews”, “Energy today” and he has served as a reviewer in several journals (i.e. Journal of Membrane Science, Langmuir, Chemical Engineering Journal, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research). 

CQB - Centro de Química e Bioquímica
Título/data/local do evento, logótipos DGES/ULisboa e fotografia de pormenor de docente a corrigir testes

O workshop visa identificar estratégias práticas que promovem a eficácia do estudo perante o aproximar de períodos avaliativos.

Fotografia de árvores com cores outonais e bancos de jardim

Estudantes de pós-graduação em Matemática de CIÊNCIAS falam, de forma descontraída e informal, sobre o seu trabalho.

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Seminário Doutoral II (Doutoramento em Biologia - Especialidade em Ecologia), por Celso José Miguel Paulo.

Seminário do Departamento de Física de Ciências ULisboa, por João Lin Yun (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, FCUL).

Seminário do Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa e do Centro de Matemática Computacional e Estocástica, por João Torrado Malato (CEAUL and IMM, University of Lisbon, Portugal and Warsaw University, Poland).

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Título/data/local do evento e logótipos de Ciências ULisboa e do GAPsi

Palestra promovida pelo GAPSI - Gabinete de Apoio Psicológico de Ciências ULisboa.

Seminário Doutoral II (Doutoramento em História e Filosofia das Ciências), por André Gonçalo Azevedo Pedro.

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Seminário do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, por Nuno Leonardo (LIP).

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Título/data/local do evento e logótipos da FCT, PRR e ULisboa

O programa incluirá uma mesa-redonda e a apresentação do Programa ERC-Portugal, enquanto instrumento de apoio à comunidade científica nos vários ciclos da participação nacional nos concursos do ERC.

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Seminário Doutoral I (Doutoramento em Biologia), por Sara Bento.

Título do evento, logótipos da ULisboa/DGES e fotografia de peças de xadrez

Sentes-te perdido/a em relação ao teu futuro académico/profissional? Ainda não sabes qual a melhor área a seguir ou como definir a tua carreira? Este workshop é para ti!

Logótipos de Ciências ULisboa/GAPsi e calendarização das palestras

Uma conversa sobre ti, alguém amigo ou apenas acerca de ansiedade.

Logótipo do concurso

As candidaturas à 21.ª edição decorrem até 06 de dezembro.

Título da iniciativa, logótipos das entidades envolvidas e fotografias de dois jovens

Voa alto com o teu talento no Talent Bootcamp em CIÊNCIAS.

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo cor-de-rosa

Entrada livre, limitada à lotação do espaço.

Título do programa, fotografia de dois jovens e logótipo da Rede Alumni CIÊNCIAS

As candidaturas estão abertas até dia 09 de dezembro.

Fotografia do Professor Pedro Miranda

Lição de Jubilação "Wind and water: on-going research on climate processes".

Título/data/local do evento e fotografia de António Sampaio da Nóvoa

A sessão será presidida por Sua Excelência O Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.
