This is a free course offered by Biodata.pt to the members of FCUL.
It is a one-day, introductory, face-to-face, hands-on course aimed at Life Sciences researchers and lab managers.
It focuses on the day-to-day data management aspects of research activities, aiming to empower researchers and lab managers to improve the efficiency of data management throughout the life cycle of the data and enable reproducibility and reusability.
The course features an introduction to topics such as FAIR and Open Science, Data Management Plans, metadata standard and ontologies, an overview of online data management resources, and practical components centered on data documentation using Electronic Lab Notebooks and data sharing using DataVerse.
Registration: Free, but mandatory. There are limited places. Registration closes on January 20.
Registration form and more info: https://forms.gle/sfCoSyhEhQQzTCgi6
Contact: Catia Pesquita clpesquita@ciencias.ulisboa.pt