Conversa com Paulo Santos (LASIGE, DI-FCUL).
Automatic Program Repair is the ability to fix errors in a program with barely any programmer intervention. In the Evolutionary Program Repair area, we identify three major problems: the lack of concern towards program correctness when generating the program variants, the large search space of program semantics when generating a patch at a finer granularity, and the ability to generate patches that are maintainable. In our work, we try to develop strategies capable of automatically generating correct and maintainable program patches while keeping the search efficiency.
Short Bio: Paulo Santos completed his Bachelors and Masters in Informatics Engineering at FCUL. He currently is a Dual PhD Student in Software Engineering at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa and Carnegie Mellon University, and is working under the supervision of Alcides Fonseca, Sara Silva and Chris Timperley. His primary research interest lies in the combination of evolutionary computation and programming languages to allow the creation of novel automatic program repair and program synthesis systems.
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