BioISI Post Graduate Seminars

Auditório da FCiências.ID, Lisboa

Por Tânia Marques e Diana Pimentel (BioSYS PhD Program).

An integrative approach to tissue-specific effects of miRNA regulatory networks - Tânia Marques

MicroRNAs or miRNAs are small noncoding RNAs with a major role in post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. miRNAs become part of the RISC complex which binds to miRNA responsive elements located predominantly in the 3’UTRs of target mRNAs through base-pairing interactions involving the miRNA seed sequence leading to degradation or translational inhibition of the mRNA molecule. Even though the basic mechanisms for miRNA action have been described, we are still unable to efficiently predict the impact of these molecules on cellular function. miR function has been proposed to be regulated by endogenous competing RNAs, including both coding and noncoding RNA molecules. This suggests that the ability of a given miRNA to act upon a target is dynamically influenced by the transcriptome environment it is in, in addition to the binding affinity it displays to different targets. Thus, when predicting targets for a miRNA, the context in which it is expressed needs to be accounted for. The aim of this work is to comprehensively understand the interaction dynamics between microRNAs and their target transcriptome across different conditions. This will be achieved by dissecting miRNA regulatory networks through correlation analysis between miRNA, mRNA and predicted targets in public datasets for different tissues and conditions.

Transcriptional and metabolic regulation of grape berry metabolism upon powdery mildew infection - Diana Pimentel

Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) is very susceptible to several diseases and one of the most problematic is powdery mildew (PM). PM is caused by the obligate biotrophic fungus Erysiphe necator and it affects grapevine yield and berry quality. In this study, naturally infected and control grapes from Carignan variety were collected at green (EL33) and véraison (EL35) stages and metabolic and transcriptomic changes upon PM infection of susceptible grapes were analyzed. Metabolic profiling of control and infected berries was performed by gas chromatography coupled to electron impact ionization/time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-EI/TOF-MS) and by solid phase microextraction (SPME) associated with GC-EI-MS. Thirty-six metabolites showed differential content comparing either infected and control samples or green and véraison stages. Among these, twenty were shown to be positive markers of infection including five metabolites that were undetected in control samples. RNAseq analysis was performed to access the expression profile of PM infected and control berries at both stages and 4275 genes were identified as differentially expressed due to infection and/or ripening, and they are mainly associated with response to biotic stress, secondary metabolism (phenylpropanoid and terpene pathways) and hormone metabolism, including salicylic acid and jasmonates. Altogether, these data suggest a metabolic and transcriptomic reprogramming upon infection with PM in particular at green stage.

BioISI - Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas
Título/data/local do evento e fotografia de sala de aula

A 3.ª edição das Jornadas Pedagógicas é dedicada ao tema “Metodologias Ativas no Processo de Ensino-Aprendizagem”.

Título, local e data do evento

Um dos eventos de referência em Data Science e Inteligência Artificial em Portugal.

Logótipo da Marinha, título do programa e indicação dos cursos abrangidos

Sessão de divulgação dirigida aos alunos de Ciências das áreas das Engenharias, Matemática e Química.

Geometry and Physics Seminar, por Pedro M. Silva (CMAFcIO).

Logótipo do Programa ULTRA e fotografia de professor

A Universidade de Lisboa na Transformação e Reformulação das Aprendizagens - as inscrições para a 2.ª edição do programa terminam no dia 19 de setembro.

RSS Meetup, por Mário Silva.

Logótipo do Workshop

A participação na 3.ª edição do Workshop é gratuita, mediante inscrição prévia.

Data e logótipo do evento

Uma iniciativa dirigida a escolas, estudantes, professores e encarregados de educação, com várias atividades que prometem divertir, ensinar e desmistificar a ciência

Evento no âmbito do Dia Internacional das Ataxias.

Título/data/local do evento, logótipos das entidades envolvidas e representação de face humana

With the motto “Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, the aim is to explore the impact of some aspects of AI on our society and what it means to be human in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Being human is to act, think and feel in certain ways. The omnipresence of AI in contemporary society will insurmountably and irreversibly change the way we are.

Título/data/local do evento e representação de material agrícola

A HortaFCUL, em conjunto com o permacultor e agroecólogo Manuel Botelho, propõe-te uma oficina para ficares a saber as técnicas e os cuidados essenciais para gerir um ecossistema agroflorestal.

Logótipo do projeto "Observar e Aprender"

O projeto Observar e Aprender visa estimular a atividade de docência no Ensino Superior, promovendo espaços de experimentação e apoio aos docentes da ULisboa, constituindo-se como um fórum de formação interdisciplinar.

Um dia para aprender sobre produção caseira de cogumelos, da teoria à prática! Cada participante leva consigo um kit de cogumelos produzido nesta tarde e ainda todo o conhecimento para o fazer novamente, de forma autónoma!

Pormenor de mão a apontar para o ecrã de um computador portátil

As inscrições para a edição de 2024 (workshops 4, 5 e 6) encontram-se abertas até às 17h do dia 22 de setembro de 2024.

O outono aproxima-se a passos largos e não tarda está aí o inverno... que alimentos se cultivam nesta altura do ano? Não sabes quais e como? Tens um terreno ao qual gostarias de dar algum uso?

Data e logótipo do evento

Workshop on Biomedical Engineering - Be careful! This is the event that will increase your blood pressure! WBME is the free-entrance event that you surely will not want to miss! 

Logótipo de Ciências ULisboa, título/data do evento, título "Time for Science, Science of Time" e representação gráfica de ampulheta

Join us on October 22 (Tuesday) for the 6th edition of Ciências Research & Innovation Day: an opportunity for faculty, researchers and innovators to share their work with both the internal and external community, fostering collaboration and networking.

Logótipo e data do evento

O primeiro Tropical Summit visa reunir líderes de todo o mundo para abordar os desafios tropicais mais prementes.

Imagem do evento - título, local e data do evento

Investigação Ecológica ao Serviço da Conservação

A leading venue for presenting and discussing the latest research, industrial practice and innovations in dependable and secure computing.