Lisbon Webinar in Analysis and Differential Equations

Small minimal clusters in Riemannian (or Finsler) manifolds

Sala P3.10, Instituto Superior Técnico (com transmissão via Zoom)

Por Aldo Pratelli (Università di Pisa).

Since a Riemannian manifold is locally similar to the Euclidean space, it is easy to see that isoperimetric sets of small volume in such a manifold are very close to balls, and in particular they are connected. Much less is known for the case of minimal clusters. In this talk, we will describe the general situation and we will present a recent result showing that also small minimal clusters are connected if the ambient space is a compact Riemannian manifold. In addition, we will discuss also the situation for Finsler manifolds, showing that a small minimal m-cluster can have at most m connected components. While it might seem reasonable that also in this case small minimal clusters are connected, we will present an example showing that this is not true. We will conclude by listing some open problems.

(Most of the presented results are based on joint works with D. Carazzato and S. Nardulli).

Transmissão via Zoom (pw: lisbonwade).

The Lisbon Webinar in Analysis in Differential Equations is a joint iniciative of CAMGSD, CMAFcIO and GFM, three research centers of the University of Lisbon. It is aimed at filling the absence of face-to-face seminars and wishes to be a meeting point of mathematicians working in the field.

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo cor-de-rosa

Entrada livre, limitada à lotação do espaço.

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