Cursos Avançados cE3c 2017/2018 - Oferta já disponível

FCUL, Lisboa

O programa detalhado de Cursos Avançados disponibilizados pelo cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais para o ano letivo 2017/2018 já está disponível. Trata-se do ano com maior número de cursos disponível desde a sua criação: são 19 no total, dos quais 4 são inteiramente novos.

Estes cursos são direcionados para estudantes inscritos em Programas Doutorais na área da Biologia. Poderão ainda ser frequentados por estudantes pós-graduados inscritos noutros programas doutorais ou mestrados na área da Biologia, ou outros interessados com formação básica adequada (como por exemplo 1.º Ciclo em Biologia ou áreas afins). Em particular, a frequência destes cursos é gratuita para os estudantes a realizar o 1.º ano dos Programas Doutorais em:

  • Biologia (FCUL),
  • Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução - BIODIV (ULisboa e UPorto), e
  • Biologia e Ecologia das Alterações Globais – BEAG (ULisboa e UAveiro).

Os cursos têm em geral formato intensivo, com duração de uma semana, sendo reconhecidos para o 1.º ano dos Programas Doutorais de estudantes da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL; 5-6 ECTs). Alguns têm um formato mais curto (ver detalhes nos programas de cada curso).

Mais detalhes (incluindo programas, preços e procedimentos para inscrição) podem ser consultados aqui.

cE3c Advanced Courses 2017/2018 - List already available

The detailed program of the Advanced Courses organized by cE3c – Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes for the academic year 2017/2018 is already available. It is the year with the largest number of courses available since its creation: 19 in total, of which 4 are entirely new.

These courses are aimed for students enrolled in Doctoral Programmes in the Biology area. They can also be attended by post-graduate students of other Doctoral Programmes or Masters in Biology, or others with basic biology formation (such as BSc in Biology or related areas). In particular, attending these courses is free for students currently in the 1st year of the Doctoral Programmes in:

  • Biology (FCUL),
  • Biodiversity, Genetics and Evolution - BIODIV (ULisboa and UPorto), and
  • Biology and Ecology of Global Changes – BEAG (ULisboa and UAveiro).

The courses have in general an intensive format, with one week of duration, being recognized for the 1st year of the Doctoral Programmes of PhD students of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL; 5-6 ECTs). Some have a shorter format (see details in each course’s programme).

More details (including programmes, prices and procedures for applications) can be found here.

Advanced Courses cE3c 2017/2018

  • October 23rd to October 27th 2017 - Bioinformatics analysis of biological sequences (Teresa Nogueira & Rita Ponce). Deadline for applications October 2nd 2017.
  • November 6th to November 10th 2017 - Natural History Collections and Biodiversity (Maria Judite Alves et al.). Deadline for applications October 13th 2017.
  • November 13th to November 17th 2017 - Production of Science Communication Activities (Cristina Luís, Filipa Vala & Patricia Garcia Pereira). Deadline for applications October 13th 2017.
  • November 20th to December 15th 2017 - EvoS-2 (Filipa Vala). Deadline for applications October 27th 2017.
  • January 15th to January 19th 2018 - Hands on Functional Diversity: from Ecological Indicators to Ecosystem Services (Laura Concostrina-Zubiri, Paula Matos, Alice Nunes et al.). Deadline for applications December 15th 2017.
  • January 17th to January 19th 2018 - Introduction to Big Data - knowledge extraction from biological databases (Teresa Nogueira). Deadline for applications December 15th 2017.
  • January 22nd to January 26th 2018 - Scientific Writing and Communication (Gabor Lövei). Deadline for applications December 22nd 2017.
  • January 29th to February 2nd 2018 - Practical course on Phylogenetics (Octávio Paulo). Deadline for applications: January 5th 2018.
  • January 29th to February 2nd, 2018 - Soil ecology and ecosystem services (Teresa Dias & Cristina Cruz). Deadline for applications: December 15th 2017.
  • February 5th to February 9th 2018 - Biodiversity and Plant Evolution (Helena Cotrim & Manuela Sim-Sim). Deadline for applications: January 12th 2018.
  • February 19th to February 23rd 2018 - Urban Ecology: the green within the city (Ana Catarina Luz, Pedro Pinho, Cristina Branquinho, et al.). Deadline for applications January 19th 2018.
  • March 13th to March 15th 2018 - Participatory holistic methodologies towards sustainable transition (Ines Campos, Julia Bentz & Kiat Ng). Deadline for applications February 20th 2018.
  • May 14th to May 18th 2018 - Nature-Based Design Frameworks (Gil Penha-Lopes & Hugo Oliveira). Deadline for applications April 20th 2018.
  • May 28th to June 1st 2018 - Stable isotopes in Ecology and Environment: a tool to integrate scales and complexity (Cristina Máguas). Deadline for applications April 20th 2018.
  • June 4th to June 8th 2018 - Practical course on Phylogeography (Octávio Paulo). Deadline for applications May 11th 2018.
  • June 18th to June 22nd 2018 - Applied Methods in Community Ecology and Functional Diversity (Paulo Borges & François Rigal). Deadline for applications May 25th 2018.
  • June 25th to June 29th 2018 - Measuring Biodiversity: How to get data, assess its quality and measure different aspects of diversity (Joaquín Hortal). Deadline for applications: June 1st 2018.
  • July 2nd to July 6th 2018 - Climate Change: Scenarios, Impacts and Responses (Maria João Cruz & Elizabeth Robert). Deadline for applications: June 8th 2018.
  • July 9th to July 13th 2018 - Lichens as a Tool for Interpretation of Environmental Changes and Management (Pedro Pinho, Paula Matos, Silvana Munzi et al.). Deadline for applications: June 1st 2018.

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Logótipo do Workshop

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Data e logótipo do evento

Uma iniciativa dirigida a escolas, estudantes, professores e encarregados de educação, com várias atividades que prometem divertir, ensinar e desmistificar a ciência

Evento no âmbito do Dia Internacional das Ataxias.

Título/data/local do evento, logótipos das entidades envolvidas e representação de face humana

With the motto “Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”, the aim is to explore the impact of some aspects of AI on our society and what it means to be human in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Being human is to act, think and feel in certain ways. The omnipresence of AI in contemporary society will insurmountably and irreversibly change the way we are.

Título/data/local do evento e representação de material agrícola

A HortaFCUL, em conjunto com o permacultor e agroecólogo Manuel Botelho, propõe-te uma oficina para ficares a saber as técnicas e os cuidados essenciais para gerir um ecossistema agroflorestal.

Logótipo do projeto "Observar e Aprender"

O projeto Observar e Aprender visa estimular a atividade de docência no Ensino Superior, promovendo espaços de experimentação e apoio aos docentes da ULisboa, constituindo-se como um fórum de formação interdisciplinar.

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Logótipo e data do evento

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Imagem do evento - título, local e data do evento

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