Helena Adão
MARE - UÉvora
The main goal of the ProMira project is to investigate the functional responses and resilience of seagrass beds after habitat loss and to assess the natural recovery process, based on analyse of sediment ecological condition, biodiversity and ecosystem function through: i) sedimentation rate, granulometry, heavy metals; ii) enzymatic activity of the sediments; iii) physiological condition of the Z. noltii seagrass beds; iv) macrofauna and meiofauna responses; v) trophic relations and vi) ictiofauna associated responses.
An experimental field work to analyse the physical disturbance of the bivalve harvesting in natural recovery of Z. noltii seagrass beds was also developed during this project with main aim to propose sustainable measures to guarantee the good ecological status and services of the Zostera noltii seagrass beds of Mira estuary.