O evento reunirá oradores portugueses e estrangeiros e contará com cerca de 100 participantes, incluindo investigadores e estudantes internacionais. Com esta iniciativa pretende-se divulgar a ciência de qualidade que se faz no nosso país numa área de investigação interdisciplinar (agregação e enrolamento de proteínas) com fortes implicações societais nomeadamente ao nível da procura de uma solução terapêutica para doenças conformacionais como as de Alzheimer, Parkinson, fibrose quística e doenças metabólicas raras.
O evento culminará com uma palestra destinada ao público em geral onde se apresentarão os principais conceitos e problemas abordados no Workshop.
In the last decade it has become increasingly accepted that progress in the field of protein folding requires a close dialogue between simulation and experiment.
The prospect of accurately assessing ever-larger timescales, as a result from progress on biomolecular modelling and simulation methodologies, opens up the possibility of using simulation to predict and interpret experimental data. On the other hand, the integration of experimental data with theory is critical for increasing the accuracy of force fields used in Molecular Dynamics simulations of biomolecules, and, therefore, experiments are crucial to improve simulations. Furthermore, the recognition that protein folding pathologies and conformational disorders (e.g. highly debilitating degenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and metabolic disorders) have an increasingly strong impact in our society and economy, calls for a much closer dialogue between basic science and clinical investigation in order to achieve effective therapeutic solutions.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together computational and experimental scientists with scientists doing translational research in order to foster the dialogue between the three communities so that novel and integrative approaches can be developed.
Important dates
- Registration deadline: 29 April 2019
- Abstract submission deadline: 29 April 2019
- Workshop: 11-12 June 2019