Por Luís Pinto (DI, Ciências ULisboa).
In this presentation I will present a new framework that allows generic applications to communicate efficiently and transparently over multiple hops on a mesh network over Wifi. To access the wireless medium, a TDMA flavoured protocol named RA-TDMA is utilized to optimize throughput, which solely uses COTS hardware in ad-hoc mode to set up a dynamic mesh network of mobile nodes. The framework includes two addons: 1) One to perform topology tracking to configure the TDMA frame and routing tables, and 2) another to perform robust relative synchronization to define the TDMA slots without resorting to a global clock and in the presence of interfering traffic. Some use cases in the Robotics field will be presented to motivate the talk.
Short Bio: Luís Pinto received the M.Sc. degree in electrical and computer engineering from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal, in 2011, and the Ph.D. degree in drone communications and networks from Carnegie Mellon University USA, in 2018. He is currently an invited Assistant Professor with the Department of Informatics, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal and a member of LASIGE. Luís has been focused on the wireless ad-hoc communication topic between mobile agents, from drones to robots.