Reasoning Seminar

Conversational Internalism and Bergmann’s Dilemma

Anfiteatro IV, Faculdade de Letras da ULisboa
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Por João Miranda (Universidade de Lisboa).

Conversational Internalism is the view according to which an agent has doxastic justification for p only if she has reasons for p relative to a question and is able to use those reasons to respond to that question. According to Conversational Internalism, first-person access gets its epistemological relevance from conversations because the ability to adequately intervene in conversations is what is required to make a belief justified, and you can’t adequately intervene in a conversation without being aware of what you’re conversing. The theory is internalist, but, at the same time, avoids classical objections to internalism. It does this by focusing on being able to access (instead of actual access) and by relativizing justification to questions.

In the first part of the talk, I’ll characterize the theory (by embedding it in a contrastive framework) and explore some of its features. In the second half, I’ll respond to an objection by Michael Bergmann (2006). Bergmann put forth a dilemma according to which either internalism is committed to infinite regresses or it is unmotivated. I’ll defend the first horn of the dilemma, by showing that, in virtue of relativizing justification to questions, Conversational Internalism can avoid falling prey to infinite regresses, while still being able to make sense of the idea that awareness has a role to play in justification.

António Zilhão (CFCUL/GI1)
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A major vehicle to bring together the national Physical Chemistry community.

Seminário do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, por Pedro Cruz (Northeastern University).

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Por Giosuè Muratore (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

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Por Pedro Duarte (DM Ciências ULisboa, CMAFcIO).

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As candidaturas encontram-se encerradas. Obrigada aos quase 80 candidatos/as!

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Seminários Doutorais no âmbito da disciplina de Projeto de Investigação (Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar).

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Por Maria Manuel Torres (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

Seminário do Centro de Matemática, Aplicações Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional, por Baptiste Claustre (aluno ENS Lyon, estagiário CMAFcIO).

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Por: Jorge Buescu (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

Titulo e data do evento, com imagem de ponte sobre o tejo

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Logótipo do EVM 2024

Por Jean-Baptiste Casteras (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

Chegou a hora: os participantes do Programa Ser Cientista vão apresentar os projetos que desenvolveram ao longo de uma semana, acompanhados por docentes e investigadores de CIÊNCIAS. E todos podem assistir!

Imagem do evento

Extended enrolement date until July 12th.

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo branco

Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.

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