Encontros Scientia

Research, management and science communication: how they all fit in cork oak woodlands

Sala 6.2.51, FCUL, Lisboa

Ana Isabel Leal
Post-doc researcher at cE3c (Conservation Ecology Group) and Centro de Ecologia Aplicada “Prof. Baeta Neves”/InBio

Much of the western Mediterranean region is covered by an extensive agro–silvo–pastoral land-use system dominated by holm oak Quercus ilex or cork oak Quercus suber known as montados in Portugal and dehesas in Spain. These semi-natural systems are mostly used for agriculture, forestry and grazing, and are recognized as an excellent example of balance between socio-economic development and biodiversity conservation.
In the case of cork oak montados its economic value mostly derives from the extraction of cork, mainly use for the production of bottle stoppers. In addition to their economic value, cork oak montados also provide important ecosystem services and are of key importance for a wide range of taxa, including an enormous variety of vertebrates, as birds.
In a system that depends on human use and correct management, scientific information is essential to conciliate economic productivity with a high biodiversity value, and thus maintain its long term viability. In this context, it is particularly important to find answers to research questions that link management practices with biodiversity. For example, what is the impact of commercial cork extraction on birds? Or, does canopy pruning affects foliage-gleaning birds? And how can we manage heterogeneity to improve woodland landscapes for biodiversity?
These and many other issues have been addressed in the more than 1000 scientific papers that focus on cork oak. However, have these papers explicitly addressed the relevant management consequences of their results? And are landowners and forest managers aware of them? Science can make a difference in montados management and conservation, but to potentiate that it is now essential to invest in the synthetization of the results of existing studies. In addition, it is essential to disseminate the existing knowledge to incorporate science in the decision making process and thus contribute to the long-term sustainability of montados. These are now the main focuses and challenges of my post-doc!

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais
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Uma oportunidade única de conheceres e experimentares o ritmo e o espírito da vida académica!

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Título/data/local do evento e representação do cérebro humano

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Imagem do evento

O evento realiza-se no Salão Nobre da Reitoria da ULisboa.

Candidaturas até 19 de junho.

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Título/data do evento, logótipos das entidades organizadoras e fotografia de Lisboa (Castelo de S. Jorge e respetiva colina)

O congresso visa promover e reforçar um conjunto de sinergias institucionais e pessoais em torno da pedagogia, contribuindo para a qualidade de novas relações com o conhecimento e de novos ambientes de trabalho académico no ensino superior.

Título/data/local do evento, logótipos das entidades organizadoras e várias fotografias da orla costeira e de pessoas

Escola de verão com um programa muito diversificado, com especialistas em vários tópicos, que vão falar sobre formas de olhar para o nosso planeta de uma forma integrada, juntando conhecimentos de várias disciplinas.

Are you a BSc or MSc student interested in Soft Matter, Non-linear Dynamics and Waves or Particle Physics?

Título do programa, sobre mosaico de fotografias de jovens cientistas

As candidaturas encontram-se encerradas. Obrigada aos quase 80 candidatos/as!

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo branco

Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.

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Imagem do evento - título, local e data do evento

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