5.º Seminário Conjunto CFCUL / Rede Ibérica de Filosofia das Ciências

The role of metaphysics in Metaphysics of Science: between the a priori and the naturalized

Sala 8.2.17, Ciências ULisboa (com transmissão via Zoom)

Por Vanesa Triviño (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).

The debate in Metaphysics of Science concerning the interaction that takes place between metaphysics and science has been mainly approached from the perspective of the scientific discipline of physics. In this presentation, I address this debate from a different perspective by paying attention to the biological framework and the different forms in which philosophers use metaphysics when addressing conceptual biological problems. In doing so, I argue that the type of metaphysics that interacts with science when characterizing the ontological status of the world does not seem to coincide with either of the characterizations of metaphysics given in the Metaphysics of Science debate, namely the a priori and the naturalized one. As I will consider, one of the lessons that can be obtained from the field of Metaphysics of Biology, is that a different form of metaphysics seems to be operating in the interaction between metaphysics and science, i.e., applied metaphysics.

Bio: Vanessa Triviño is an Assistant Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. She completed her Ph.D. in 2019, focusing on inquiries related to the Metaphysics of Biology, such as the concepts of fitness, holobionts, and biological species. During her doctoral studies, she undertook research residencies at the Konrad Lorenz Institute (Klosterneuburg, Austria) and Egenis: the Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Exeter, England). Presently, her research centers on metametaphysical inquiries, metaphysics of science, metaphysics of biology, and feminist metaphysics. Her work delves into questions emerging from metaphysical characterization and the interplay between metaphysics and science in a broader sense, with a specific emphasis on the relationship between metaphysics and biology. Moreover, she examines theories of process metaphysics, properties, and relations to explore their potential applications and contributions to the philosophy of biology and the categorization of sexual differentiation.

Transmissão via Zoom.

João Luís Cordovil (CFCUL/GI2) e Silvia Di Marco (CFCUL)

Vai realizar-se em Lisboa, nos dias 28 e 29 de junho de 2024, o 37.º Encontro do Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática.

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O maior evento anual na área da ciência e da tecnologia em Portugal.

The topics of the conference include (but are not limited to) classical and quantum integrable systems, complex geometry of moduli spaces, automorphic forms and their applications to number theory.

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Inscrição (taxa reduzida) até 20 de abril.

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Escola de verão com um programa muito diversificado, com especialistas em vários tópicos, que vão falar sobre formas de olhar para o nosso planeta de uma forma integrada, juntando conhecimentos de várias disciplinas.

Are you a BSc or MSc student interested in Soft Matter, Non-linear Dynamics and Waves or Particle Physics?

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Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.
