BioISI Research Seminar

Precision Medicine in Cystic Fibrosis

Anfiteatro da FFCUL, Lisboa

Fredrick Van Goor
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated, Boston, MA, United States

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CFTR gene that can reduce the amount and/or function of the CFTR chloride ion channel at the epithelial cell surface. A proven therapeutic strategy to treat CF is to enhance chloride transport by increasing the amount and/or function of CFTR at the cell surface using small molecules known as CFTR potentiators and correctors. Ivacaftor, a CFTR potentiator, enhances the function of CFTR by increasing the channel gating activity of CFTR channels at the cell surface. Lumacaftor and tezacaftor, CFTR correctors, increase the amount of CFTR at the cell surface by enhancing the processing and trafficking of CFTR.

A potential therapeutic strategy to enhance and expand the clinical benefit for the approximately 90% of people with CF who are heterozygous or homozygous for the F508del mutation is to combine ivacaftor with two CFTR correctors that act through different mechanisms to increase both the amount and function of CFTR at the cell surface. However, in the approximately 10% of people with CF who do not carry F508del, many different and rare CFTR mutations are present and cause a range of molecular defects in the CFTR protein that vary widely in type and severity and potential response to CFTR potentiators and correctors.

A number of nonclinical and/or clinical measures of CFTR function are being investigated in the field to identify which of these rare mutant CFTR forms may respond to a combination of CFTR potentiators and correctors. Model systems and assays include, but are not limited to, human bronchial epithelial cells derived from people with CF, human gut organoid preparations, intestinal current measurements, nasal potential difference recordings, and sweat chloride measurements. There are a number of important considerations when developing CFTR functional assays to predict which of the rare mutant CFTR forms may respond to CFTR potentiators and correctors. These include the onset of disease in different organs, severity of disease at the time of treatment, treatment duration, modifier genHost: es, enMarvirongmarient,da drug eAmarxposurale, and limitations in the sensitivity, reproducibility, and feasibility of the various CFTR functional assays under investigation.

BioISI - Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas
Logótipo do Verão na ULisboa, sobre um fundo amarelo

Uma oportunidade única de conheceres e experimentares o ritmo e o espírito da vida académica!

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Título/data/local do evento e representação do cérebro humano

O maior evento anual na área da ciência e da tecnologia em Portugal.

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Imagem do evento

O evento realiza-se no Salão Nobre da Reitoria da ULisboa.

Candidaturas até 19 de junho.

The topics of the conference include (but are not limited to) classical and quantum integrable systems, complex geometry of moduli spaces, automorphic forms and their applications to number theory.

Título/data do evento, logótipos das entidades organizadoras e fotografia de Lisboa (Castelo de S. Jorge e respetiva colina)

O congresso visa promover e reforçar um conjunto de sinergias institucionais e pessoais em torno da pedagogia, contribuindo para a qualidade de novas relações com o conhecimento e de novos ambientes de trabalho académico no ensino superior.

Título/data/local do evento, logótipos das entidades organizadoras e várias fotografias da orla costeira e de pessoas

Escola de verão com um programa muito diversificado, com especialistas em vários tópicos, que vão falar sobre formas de olhar para o nosso planeta de uma forma integrada, juntando conhecimentos de várias disciplinas.

Are you a BSc or MSc student interested in Soft Matter, Non-linear Dynamics and Waves or Particle Physics?

Título do programa, sobre mosaico de fotografias de jovens cientistas

As candidaturas encontram-se encerradas. Obrigada aos quase 80 candidatos/as!

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo branco

Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.

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Imagem do evento - título, local e data do evento

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