2013 Call for Doctoral Scholarships

FCT call for PhD studies in Digital Media, Advanced Computing, and Mathematics

Deadline: 28 Feb 2013


In the context of the UT Austin|Portugal Program, the Portuguese national research council FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) launches a call for:

PhD Scholarships, taking place in Portugal and at University of Texas at Austin, in the following research fields:

Advanced Digital Media, in the following areas:

Production of Audiovisual and Interactive Content;
Industry, Publics, and Markets.

Advanced Computing, in the following areas:

Computer Science, namely in methodologies and techniques in High—performance-computing (HPC), distributed/grid computing and large-scale data analysis & management;
Computational Engineering and/or Science with specific requirements in advanced computing.

Mathematics, in the following areas:

Algebra and Number Theory;
Applied and Numerical Analysis;
Analysis and Partial Differential Equations;
Geometry and Topology;
Stochastic Processes and Mathematical Finance;
Dynamic Systems.


The call will be open from 4th January 2013 until 17h00 of 28th February 2013 (Lisbon time).

Fotografia de alunos a andarem, junto ao C8

A primeira edição do curso realiza-se já em 2012.

Outra forma de fazer turismo.

Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25.Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25

O Encontro decorreu em Junho no GeoFCUL.
