Programas de estágios remunerados

Candidaturas abertas para estágios no CERN

The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is offering full-time paid internships (4-12 months) to students. CERN has two different programmes, depending on the field of students:

 Technical Student Programme:

Fields: Applied physics, IT, mathematics, electrical, electronic, mechanical or civil engineering, instrumentation for accelerators and particle physics experiments, materials science, radiation protection, safety and environmental protection, surveying, ultra-high vacuum, engineering management.

 Administrative Student Programme:

Fields: Translation, human resources, advanced secretarial work, business administration, logistics, law, finance, accounting, library and information science, engineering management, science communication, education, audio-visual, communication and public relations, psychology, audit.

To be eligible for one of these programmes:

1- They should be a national of a CERN Member State and studying in a Member State. Romanian and Serbian nationals are also eligible to apply. Students from Non-Member States are able to apply only if they have been residing in a Member State for the last 5 years and are enrolled in a Member State educational establishment.
2- They should have completed at least 18 months of undergraduate studies.
3- They can stay for at least 4 and at most 14 months remaining registered as a full-time student.
4- They have a good knowledge of English OR French.

The deadline for applications is 28th April 2015.

They could come to write their thesis and/or to do practical training

They will be paid more than 3000 CHF per month, and will have 2.5 days of annual leave per month.

Fotografia de Dois voluntários, sentados junto a uma banca no átrio do C5

Em fevereiro estão abertas inscrições para a admissão de novos voluntários.

A FCUL participa em "Programa de Estudos Avançados" com mais quatro instituições universitárias portuguesas e brasileiras.

Vale a pena recordar a iniciativa do Gabinete de Mobilidade, Estágios e Inserção Profissional da FCUL.

Fotografia de alunos a andarem, junto ao C8

A primeira edição do curso realiza-se já em 2012.

Outra forma de fazer turismo.

Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25.Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25

O Encontro decorreu em Junho no GeoFCUL.
