Professor Teresa Monteiro Fernandes distinguished with the 2025 Frontiers of Science Award
The paper entitled
Relative regular Riemann-Hilbert correspondence II, Compos. Math. 159 (2023), no. 7, 1413–1465
by Luisa Fiorot, Teresa Monteiro Fernandes, Claude Sabbah
has been selected as a recipient of the 2025 Frontiers of Science Award.
The Frontiers of Science Award (FSA) was inaugurated in 2023 under the auspices of the International Congress of Basic Sciences (, and sponsored by the City of Beijing and the Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Application (BIMSA). The FSA is awarded to a recent paper, recognized for a major breakthrough in its field. The total value of this award is USD25,000.
In 2023 and 2024, about 130 awards were presented in three scientific areas: Mathematics, Physics, and Theoretical Computer and Information Sciences. More information can be found at
A PDE Journey with João Paulo Dias | 14 Feb 2025 | Ciências ULisboa
The Department of Mathematics organized the special event
A PDE Journey with João Paulo Dias
as a celebration of Professor João Paulo Dias’ 80th birthday.
The workshop took place on February 14, 2025, at FCUL, and brought together some collaborators, friends and colleagues of Prof. João Paulo Dias, as illustrated by the list of invited speakers, which includes some of his old and recent collaborators. More informations and ptotos of the event can be found at
João Paulo Dias was a Full Professor of the Math Department of the FCUL for several decades. He is a Professor Emeritus of the University of Lisbon, since 2016.
Prof. J.P. Dias is the author of a large number of scientific publications in Partial Differential Equations and one of the main responsible for the international projection of the Portuguese research journal Portugaliae Mathematica, for which he was Chief Editor from 1996 to 2007. He had a pivotal role in introducing a modern approach to the study of Partial Differential Equations and their applications, creating a very productive school in the Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Sciences. He has received many prizes in the course of his professional career. He is an effective member of the Lisbon Academy of Sciences since 2007 (formerly, a correspondent member since 1990).
Honouring Professor João Cosme Santos Guerreiro
On the occasion of the placement of a portrait of Professor Guerreiro in Amphitheater 3.2.14, as well as a poster about his life in the C3 atrium, a small commemorative session was held in this amphitheate on February 11th. Guerreiro’s portrait joins the 23 portraits already existing in Amphitheater 3.2.14, of professors from our school who marked the history of the Faculty of Sciences in the 20th century.
Small interventions were made by our colleagues and former students of Professor Guerreiro, Luis Saraiva, Jorge Nuno Silva, Dinis Pestana and Luis Sanchez, and by his son João Cosme. A small cocktail party offered by the Ludus Association took place afterword. Some photos of the event can be found at
We are hiring
The Department of Mathematics offers ample opportunities, since it is in an ongoing process of renewal.
The Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa is presently hiring professors of mathematics at the assistent level, a policy to follow in the coming years.
Welcome to the Department of Mathematics
Our Department has a long tradition and prestige, as the oldest Department of Mathematics in the Lisbon Region, inserted in the reputable Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon.
It has four main tasks:
- To teach mathematical courses needed for the Faculty of Sciences and University of Lisbon. In what concerns Mathematics, the Department offers degrees in pure and applied mathematics, from Bachelor to PhD Programs.
- To train mathematicians for the contemporary world and for a diversity of employments. The rigorous reasoning, scientific knowledge, creativity, ability to structure problems from real life are skills well-appreciated by a variety of employers.
- To do research in mathematics and train future researchers. The research in the Department covers a large range of scientific areas, from logic to computational complexity, matrix theory to combinatorics, ordinary and partial differential equations, algebraic and differential geometry, among others, with significant applications to real world problems.
- To participate in the education of middle and high school teachers. The department maintains the long tradition of contributing to the training of school teachers. It also has a wide range of outreach activities, in particular dedicated to school students and teachers.
Through the individual contributions of its academic staff, the department has also a long history of intellectual involvement in public life. From pure mathematics to applications, and the recognition of the importance of informatics in today’s world, the Department of Mathematics is resolutely open to the future as a vibrant, international, and strong scientific department.
Pedro Duarte
Head of Department