Bachelor Degree
Entrepreneurship in Sciences
The main objective of this CU is to promote the 1st cycle students contact with the world of Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
During the semester, an approach is followed in which students are confronted with their own beliefs associated with creativity and their ability to create solutions for the world, challenging them to develop a business idea to respond to a problem chosen by the group.
This problem does not have to have an effective functional validation, and the objective of the exercise is that students develop the ability to use the tools presented throughout the semester in any idea that they may develop in their professional lives.
The groups are ideally made up of students from different courses/schools, crucial for the exchange of experiences and perspectives that this UC proposes to provide.
Master Degree
Entrepreneurial Mindset
The main objective of this CU is to make students aware of the need to connect scientific knowledge to the world and society. Thus, students are challenged to develop a business idea or social intervention based on a problem identified in the scientific community (through review articles, lectures, other CUs that they have attended and whose themes arouse their interest, etc.).
The solution found does not have to be functional, but the development of a prototype that allows the target audience to understand and interact with the solution found is crucial during the semester.
The working groups will have to design and execute a validation strategy for their solution, which necessarily involves contacting their potential customers/users, validating/discarding hypotheses and restructuring the initial strategy.
In addition, students are individually placed in situations that allow them to develop oratory skills and defend their points of view in the face of adverse scenarios.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The main objective of this CU is to help students to frame their doctoral projects (or other ideas of their interest) in a context that allows them to bring society closer to their areas of study. In addition, the growing difficulty of financing from more traditional sources raises the need to research alternative sources of investment. It is in this context that a financial validation plan and investment strategy is developed with students during the semester. These projects can be carried out in groups, or individually, although a group approach is encouraged.
It is a CU under a tutoring regime, so despite the existence of programed classes, students are free not to be present (physically or virtually), resorting to 1 to 1 sessions with the teachers. The exception goes to the formal evaluation moments such as the projects presentation, in which students must make a pitch in which they present their project.