Lisboa E-Nova (https://lisboaenova.org/) is a non-profit private association. Its purpose is to promote the sustainable development of the city of Lisbon and its metropolitan area, through the improvement of energy efficiency, the use of endogenous resources and environmental management.
Currently, Lisboa E-Nova integrates 21 entities in its membership, public and private, covering different areas of activity and where, since 2017, the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon has been included.
The collaboration between the two entities has been intensifying over the years, either through collaboration on common projects, namely in the area of solar energy and heat waves, or through specific activities such as the presentation of joint applications.
The Laboratório Vivo para a Sustentabilidade @ Ciências ULisboa, which Lisboa E-Nova is associated with, is an initiative of great importance not only for the university community in promoting a more responsible attitude towards sustainability, but also for the city in contributing to the achievement of targets to meet the targets 2030 Climate Action Plan.