The Ambiente Portugal Platform (https://www.ambienteportugal.pt/) is a virtual space that compiles Portuguese entities that are already examples of cooperation and coopetition or intend to initiate projects based on these concepts and that work "on the environment" or "with the environment".
The strategic objective of the Ambiente Portugal Platform is to provide mechanisms and essential information to stimulate Cooperation and Coopetition in the Portuguese productive fabric. It also intends to provide a showcase of cooperation projects, allowing the dissemination of concrete cases and also the stimulus to new consortiums, new associations, more synergies, more innovation.
It thus intends to actively contribute to the development, commercialization and internationalization of knowledge and technologies existing in Portugal, in matters of Environment, accepting its transversality to the various sectors of the Portuguese economy.
The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon is registered on this platform with the Living Laboratory for Sustainability@ Sciences project, which aims to give visibility to a diverse set of activities developed on the campus of the Faculty and enhance the involvement of the entire community of Sciences and the surrounding reality, in the challenge of sustainable development, based on the five axes of action: Planet, People, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships.