ERASMUS+ Studies

Application for an Erasmus/Exchange period of studies at Ciências

  1. There should be an exchange agreement between your home university and Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
  2. You need to be nominated for an exchange period by your home university (before our nomination deadlines).
  3. Upon receiving each nomination students will be contacted and informed about how to apply and will be given access to the online application.
  4. Read carefully the instructions and guidelines sent to you (compulsory).
  5. Submit the online application before our application deadlines.

The online application consists of:

  1. An online application form.
  2. An official transcript of academic records (to be uploaded). 
  3. A motivation letter (to be uploaded).
  4. A pass photo (to be uploaded).
  5. A proof of English/ Portuguese proficiency, if applicable (to be uploaded).
  6. A Learning agreement for Studies, signed by you and your home university exchange coordinator (to be uploaded).

We will do our best to process your application as fast as possible. However, don't forget that your study plan has to be analyzed by the Departmental Exchange Coordinator and that you might have to make changes to your original plan. You will be informed in case you need to replace your chosen courses. According to your field of study you can contact the Departmental Exchange Coordinator directly in case you have questions regarding the courses you wish to attend at Faculdade de Ciências.  
As soon as your Learning Agreement for Studies is approved and signed we will send you a copy, together with the relevant information for your arrival and introduction to Faculdade de Ciências (registration, enrollment in courses, timetables, etc). 
Also, if you get a place at the Student Residences of ULisboa - in case you have applied - you will be informed as well. 


Nomination deadlines 2024/25
NOMINATION DEADLINES 2024/25 - for partner universites
1st Semester / Full Academic Year 31st May 2024
2nd Semester 30th September 2024

Nominations should be sent by email to the Mobility and Welcome Office:

Application deadlines 2024/2025
APPLICATION DEADLINES 2023/24 - for students
1st Semester / Full Academic Year 30th June 2024
2nd Semester 31st October 2024

Language requirements

Language of instruction at Faculdade de Ciências:

  • BSc level courses are fully taught in Portuguese.
  • Postgraduate or Master programmes courses: If there are students who do not understand Portuguese, classes will be taught in English. 

Language requirements:

  • A2 level minimum for Portuguese, in order to attend BSc level subjects. A good knowledge of English (B1 level minimum) is also recommended and needs to be certified and uploaded by the online application deadline . The A2 level certification in Portuguese Language can be sent until the beginning of the semester, by email. However, we require that you make proof (by the online application deadline) that you already have the A1 level or an official confirmation that you are currently studying the language and will achieve the A2 level before the beginning of the semester. 
  • B1 level minimum for English, in order to attend MSc level subjects. A good knowledge of Portuguese is also recommended. 

The presentation of proficiency certificates and/or attested statements is compulsory Certificates issued by a language centre/ home university services are accepted.
You are exempted from proving proficiency in English/ Portuguese if you are a native speaker and completed secondary education in a country in which these are official languages.

Options for learning the Portuguese language before arrival and during your stay here

Course information 

 Build your Learning agreement for Studies following these instructions:

  • Make sure you select courses that are offered at Faculdade de Ciências (not from other Faculties/Schools of Universidade de Lisboa) for the duration of your stay: either semester 1 (Fall term) or semester 2 (Spring term).
  • Make sure that your course selection corresponds to the field of study of your nomination. For example, if we receive a nomination under Biology we will be expecting a study plan with Biology components.
  • Make sure that for each semester you select a maximum of 30 ECTS. Most courses in Ciências are worth 6 ECTS, however we also have 3 ECTS subjects and a few worth 9 and 12 ECTS. The workload of 60 ECTS per academic year amounts to a considerable study workload per week. This includes lectures and “practicals” (computer work or working in the laboratory), additional work such as individual or group assignments, presentations and preparation work (reading) for classes.
  • Bachelor students should select Bachelor level courses. Choosing a MSc level course requires that you have the necessary background knowledge on the topic at the BSc level. Approval is not guaranteed.
  • Due to internal restrictions/organization it is recommended that exchange students do not choose 1st year BSc Degree courses.
  • Master Thesis: Erasmus/ Exchange students do not enroll for Master Dissertation (Thesis) at Ciências. Students who wish to carry out research work that corresponds to their Master Thesis at home University have to contact the Departments(s)/Research Unit(s)  they are interested in by themselves and try to find a supervisor before the planned exchange period. The research work should be included in the Learning agreement for studies and include the topic and name of the supervisor. 

To retain:

  • Selecting subjects from different Degrees, years, branches and study cycles is not advised as it will definitely have an impact on your timetable and examination period. A plan with such diversity may not be accepted.
  • Be aware that some of your selected courses may not be approved due to lack of enrolled students (for example, optional subjects need a minimum of enrolled students to be lectured) or because they have limited places. Therefore, you should have alternative components in case this happens and make the necessary changes in your Learning agreement, preferably only after the start of the semester.

Academic calendar

  • Autumn Semester/1st Semester - usually starts in the 2nd week of September and ends in January/ February - including the examination period.
  • Spring Semester / 2nd Semester - usually starts in the 2nd or 3rd week of February and ends in July - including the examination period.

Annual academic calendar available here: 

Mobility and Welcome Office

For questions regarding the application process at Faculdade de Ciências always contact the Mobility and Welcome Office.

Where we are and how to get here:
We are at Building C4, Room 4.1.15. Enter the C4 building (main library building) and when you are almost reaching the entrance to the library turn left and go down the stairs. When you reach the bottom floor turn right to the main atrium and head to the blue elevator.
Turn right into the long hallway, our door is the first one on the left – duly identified.

Tel.: (+351) 217 500 443/653

Face-to-face services by appointment only
Opening hours Monday to Friday: 10h00 – 12h30/14h00 – 16h00

Departmental Exchange Coordinators

Departmental Exchange Coordinators
Animal Biology Prof. Maria Filomena Magalhães (Coordinator) C2 Building, 5th Floor, Room 2.5.19
Animal Biology Prof. Maria Clara Amorim (Co-coordinator) C2 Building, 3rd Floor, Room 2.3.47
Plant Biology Prof. Cristina Cruz C2 Building, 5th Floor, Room 2.5.03
Chemistry and Biochemistry Prof. Ana Paula Paiva C8 Building, 5th Floor, Room 8.5.33
Chemistry and Biochemistry Prof. Manuela M. Pereira (Biochemistry) C8 Building, 4th Floor, Room 8.4.57
Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy Prof. Ricardo Machado Trigo (Geophysics) C8 Building, 3rd Floor, Room 8.3.03
Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy Prof. Ana Cristina Navarro (Geospatial Engineering) C8 Building, 1st Floor, Room 8.1.46
Geographic Engineering, Geophysics and Energy Prof. Killian Lobato (Energy and Environmental Engineering) C8 Building, 3rd Floor, Room 8.3.29
Geology Prof. Nuno Pimentel C6 Building, 4th Floor, Room 6.4.57
History and Philosophy of Sciences Prof. Henrique Leitão C4 Building, 3rd Floor, Room 4.3.13
Informatics Prof. José Cecílio C6 Building, 3rd Floor, Room 6.3.21
Mathematics Prof. Catarina Santa Clara C6 Building, 2nd Floor, Room 6.2.22
Physics Prof. José Figueiredo (Engineering Physics) C8 Building, 5th Floor, Room 8.5.14
Physics Prof. José Manuel Pires Marques (Physics) C8 Building, 5th Floor, Room 8.5.27
Physics Prof. Alexandre Andrade (Biomedical Engineering and Biophysics) IBEB, Room 0.13
Statistics and Operations Research Prof. Ana Paias C6 Building, 4th Floor, Room 6.4.15
