2nd Cycle (Master Degrees)

Application period 2025/2026

  • 1st period: 10 March - 11 April 2025
  • 2nd period: 23 June - 18 July 2025


Number of places

Number of places (1st period 2025/2026)
(1st period)
Master’s Courses  
Biostatistics 5
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 4
Conservation Biology 3
Organismal and Evolutionary Biology 5
Human Biology and Environment 5
Biochemistry and Biomedicine 4
Data Science 5
Marine Sciences 5
Geophysical Sciences 4
Ecology and Environmental Management 5
Marine Ecology 5
Energy and Environment Engineering 5
Geospatial Engineering 5
Informatics Engineering 5
Statistics and Operational Research 3
Physics and Astrophysics 5
Geology 5
History and Philosophy of Science 5
Informatics 5
Mathematics 4
Mathematics Applied to Economics and Business 3
Applied Microbiology 5
Chemistry 2
Technological Chemistry 1
Information Security 4


Admission and application conditions

Please read the Public Notice (1st period).

Please read the Selection Criteria for 2025/2026.



In order to apply for a Master Degree, the international student must have:

  • 1st Cycle Degree concluded, or legal equivalence;
  • Holder of a foreign academic Degree conferred after concluding a 1st Cycle Degree of studies, organized according to the Bologna Process, by a Member State adhering to this process;
  • Holder of a foreign academic Degree that is recognized by the Scientific Board of the higher education institution for which they are applying for (this recognition must meet the purposes of a 1st Cycle Degree);
  • Holder of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to accomplish this cycle of studies by the Scientific Board of the higher education institution for which they are applying for.

Consider as legal equivalence to the degree of “Licenciatura (1st Cycle)” and Master (“Mestrado”), the equivalence and recognition of qualifications granted by Decreto-Lei n.º 283/83, 21 de junho, Decreto-Lei n.º 341/2007, de 12 de outubro and recognitions provided by Decreto-Lei n.º 66/2018, de 16 de agosto and Portaria n.º 33/2019, de 25 de janeiro, modified by Portaria n.º 43/2020, de 14 de fevereiro.

The validity of the referred degrees must be confirmed  by the competent authority of the country where the qualifications were obtained and when issued by institutions from non-Community countries must be certified by the Portuguese consular services or be presented with the Apostille (Hague Convention) by the competent authority of the state from which the documents are originated. 


Application conditions:

In order to apply for a 2nd Cycle course, international students must demonstrate the knowledge and expertise required by the course for which they are applying for and a proof of language skills appropriate to the frequency of the course.


Application submission instructions

1. User account creation

Applicant/Student from FCUL, with valid account – login with your student number and password at https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/ and access to the application form in the tab “Candidate”.

Applicant/Student from FCUL, without a valid account (applicants who are not currently enrolled in the study cycles of the Faculty of Sciences) - they should go to https://balcaoc.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/servico/criar-conta-utilizador to reactivate their account. Automatic account reactivation uses your mobile phone number and/or personal email address. If these contacts are not in our systems or are out of date, you will need to request activation directly at the IT Services desk (room 1.2.10). You can then access the application form in the "Candidato" section.

Other Applicants – you must create an account at https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/accountCreation.

Once the account has been created, an e-mail indicating the login (bennuXXXXX) will be sent to the address specified in the form.
To proceed with the application, login at https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/ and fill the application form available in the Tab “Candidate”. If you do not receive the e-mail, make sure to check your mailbox SPAM folder.
You can request a new e-mail or recover a forgotten password in https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/passwordResetRequest. If the problem persist, feel free to contact support services on suporte@ciencias.ulisboa.pt.


2. Choose the Course to which you are applying for.


3. Fill in and confirm all the fields presented in the application “tabs”.


4. Gather the required and mandatory documents for upload, namely:

  • Curriculum Vitae;
  • Degree Diploma;
  • Grades Certificate;
  • Grades Programmes (stamped and signed by the institution of higher education) - only for applicants whose degree or legal equivalent is from a foreign institution outside of European Union countries or a country that has not joined the Bologna process;
  • Sworn Statement (declaration on honour and signed by the applicant, stating that she/he has not the Portuguese nationality and is not included in any of the special conditions which confirm the International Student Status, according to the International Student Statute, approved by legislation (artigo 3.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 36/2014 de 10 de março, modified by  Decreto-Lei n.º 62/2018, de 6 de agosto) - Draft;
  • Identification document: Passport, Identity Card (optional or when authorized simple photocopy of document);
  • Motivation letter;
  • Declaration, stating the recognition of the foreign higher education institution and the foreign higher education degree, (issued by DGES in Portugal - only apply to candidates whose Bachelor’s degree or equivalent is from a foreign institution outside of European Union countries or a country that has not joined the Bologna process);
  • Proof of knowledge of English or Portuguese language (if applicable) - Certificate of achievement of English / Portuguese course or declaration of attendance of higher education course taught in English / Portuguese.

Attention: The Certificates/Diploma must be issued by the competent authority of the country where the qualifications were obtained and when issued by institutions from non-Community countries must be certified by the Portuguese consular services or be presented with the Apostille (Hague Convention) by the competent authority of the state from which the documents are originated. When these documents are not in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish, they must be translated into one of these languages (validated by the consular or embassy services).


5. Upload the required documents within the Application Form;

Applications that do not attach all the mandatory documents will be excluded.


6. Submit application;


7. Wait until you receive an email to check the payment details for the application fee of €60,00 and make the payment.

Payment must be made by:

  • Bank transfer.
    Payments must be made solely and exclusively during the period corresponding to the application phase (payments made during the 1st period will not be accepted to pay for applications submitted in the 2nd period).


8. After making a bank transfer of the application fee, you must submit the corresponding proof of bank transfer payment in the application, uploading it in the respective TRANSFERÊNCIA BANCÁRIA tab of the application.


Throughout the application procedure students will be notified by e-mail and will be able to check their status.


Application submission

For applications to 2nd Cycle course - submit here.


After the results have been published

Payment of deposit

As defined in the International Student’s Public Notice, for 2nd Cycle/Master course applicants, after the result’s outcome, under penalty of losing their place on the course to which they have been admitted, the applicants admitted in the 1st and 2nd Period must pay the deposit (€500,00), within a continuous period of no more than 5 days following the publication of the results of each application period.

Please refer to the Despacho D/20/2024.

Payment Instructions:

  • Access to application in Fenix (https://fenix.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/)
  • Go to the "Security deposit payment details" tab to confirm the amount to be paid: €500.
  • Go to the "Bank transfer - security deposit" tab to access the bank details
  • Make the payment
  • Upload proof of payment in the "Bank transfer - deposit" tab and submit it.

Data Bank Transfer:

Faculdade de Ciências - Universidade de Lisboa:

  • IBAN: PT50003508240001225203011

Once this payment has been made, the amount paid as a deposit will revert to the payments due, following admission, for enrolment/registration on the respective postgraduate course.

Choice of courses

Candidates that have applied to more than one course and have been accepted in both of them, must inform the Postgraduate Studies Area (candidatura-pg@ciencias.ulisboa.pt) of the course they wish to join/enrol once they have paid the deposit - otherwise they will not be placed.