Information geometry in the analysis of phase transitions

Por Bruno Mera (IST).

Abstract: The Uhlmann connection is a mixed state generalization of the Berry connection. The latter has a very important role in the study of topological phases at zero temperature. Closely related, the quantum fidelity is an information theoretical quantity which is a measure of distinguishability of quantum states. Moreover, it has been extensively used in the analysis of quantum phase transitions.

Introduction to Wall-Crossing formulae and Riemann-Hilbert problems from Bridgeland stability conditions

Por Anna Barbieri (University of Sheffield).

Abstract: I will give a brief and gentle introduction through examples from quivers to Bridgeland stability conditions and wall-crossing formulae for invariants counting semistable objects. Such stability conditions are encoded in the formal notions of BPS structures or Kontsevich-Soibelman stability data. I will show how Riemann-Hilbert problems naturally appears in this context.
