
Granular morphogenesis: from astrophysics to biophysics

Por Troy Shinbrot (Rutgers University).

Abstract: Granular flows are encountered in applications ranging from engineering to astrophysics to biology. In many of these applications, grains spontaneously and unexpectedly form well defined morphologies. In this talk, I will describe a few examples, including the separation of sand and boulders on near earth asteroids, and the emergence of structured patterns in biological cells.

Soft Matter in Astronomy and Astrophysics

After the success of the CFTC Initiatives “Soft Matter in Biomedicine” and “Soft Matter in Food R&D”, we now team up with the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences to discuss “Soft Matter in Astronomy and Astrophysics”.

Atmospheric and sand storms, geomorphology, and granular electrostatics are some of the interesting topics that will be discussed, with an inspiring blend of twelve speakers from Portugal, Germany, and the United States.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2018

Por José Manuel Rebordão.

From the Press release
“… for groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics”.

The inventions being honoured this year have revolutionised laser physics. Extremely small objects and incredibly rapid processes are now being seen in a new light. Advanced precision instruments are opening up unexplored areas of research and a multitude of industrial and medical applications.

Soft Matter Science in Food Research & Development

Aiming at closing the gap between academia and industry, CFTC is launching the CFTC-Industry Initiative. This initiative consists of a series of events, bringing professionals from business sector to CFTC to tell us about their work and open challenges.

The first guest is Dr. Jan Engmann, a Team Leader at the Nestlé Research Center in Switzerland. He will explain to us how the concepts and methods from Soft Matter are helping to develop the next generation of Nestlé products! 
