Computational design of peptide-based architectures for protein recognition
Por Sara Fortuna (University of Trieste, Italy).
Por Sara Fortuna (University of Trieste, Italy).
Por Ugo Bruzzo (SISSA & Universidade Federal da Paraíba).
Por Cristóvão Dias (CFTC - Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa).
Por Giles Strong (LIP).
The scientific programme addresses a broad range of topics at the interface between particle, nuclear and astrophysics. Special emphasis will be devoted to recent discoveries and results.
Por Alexandre Cabral (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço e Laboratório de Óptica Lasers e Sistemas – Departamento de Física, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa).
Por Philipp Harms (FREIS, Univ. Freiburg).
Abstract: Fluid dynamics and shape analysis are linked by a common underlying geometric structure, namely, Sobolev-type Riemannian metrics on manifolds of mappings. I will characterize the degeneracy and non-degeneracy of the corresponding geodesic distances, establish local well-posedness of the corresponding geodesic equations, and discuss applications of these results to shape analysis and fluid dynamics.
Por Karla Peña Ramírez (University of Antofagasta, Chile).
Por Grigorios Chachamis (LIP).
We have seen in the last decades an enormous effort from the experimental side to measure numerous physical observables and an equally important effort from the Theory community to provide phenomenological predictions for comparison. In this talk, we will focus on two topics which are relevant for LHC phenomenology.
Por João Guimarães da Costa (Institute of High Energy Physics - Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing).