Recommender systems for scientific items: a Sequential Enrichment (SeEn) approach
PhD in Informatics Seminar, por Márcia Barros.
PhD in Informatics Seminar, por Márcia Barros.
Ten Minutes Talk with the PhD students in Informatics, com Diana Sousa (LASIGE, DI-FCUL).
A sessão tem como objetivo apresentar o programa doutoral, os cursos doutorais abertos em 2021/2022, os temas para tese e seus orientadores.
PhD in Informatics Seminar, por João Batista.
Ten Minutes Talk with the PhD students in Informatics, com Rohit Kumar (LASIGE, DI-FCUL).
PhD in Informatics Seminar, por Carlos Mão de Ferro.
Ten Minutes Talk with the PhD students in Informatics, com Paulo Santos (LASIGE, DI-FCUL).
Ten Minutes Talk with the PhD students in Informatics, com Nuno Rodrigues (LASIGE, DI-FCUL).
PhD in Informatics Seminar, por Fernando Alves.
Ten Minutes Talk with the PhD students in Informatics, com João E. Batista (LASIGE, DI-FCUL).