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Francisco Saldanha da Gama is professor of Operations Research in the Department of Statistics and Operations Research at the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon, where he received his PhD in 2002. He has taught undergraduate and post-graduate courses focusing on Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Discrete Optimization, Stochastic Optimization, and Logistics. He has co-supervised several PhD students and has been in more than 20 PhD committees worldwide.

Published more than 50 articles in scientific international journals mostly in the areas of location analysis, supply chain management, logistics and combinatorial optimization. Recently, together with Gilbert Laporte and Stefan Nickel co-edited the second edition of the volume "Location Science" published by Springer International Publishing (26 chapters, 767 pages).

Presented more than 100 contributed talks in scientific events being invited to innumerable scientific events as a plenary/semi-plenary/keynote speaker.

Awarded several prizes and honors. Among those, the EURO prize for the best EJOR review paper (2012) and the Elsevier prize for the EJOR top cited article 2007–2011 (2012), both with the paper entitled "Facility location and supply chain management—A review" written together with Stefan Nickel and Teresa Melo.

Member of innumerable scientific committees of international conferences and other scientific events. Member of various international scientific organizations such as INFORMS—Institute for the Operations Research and Management Science, USA, CMAFcIO—Centro de Matemática Aplicações Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional da Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências, University of Lisbon, ECCO—European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization, EWGSO—Working Group on Stochastic Optimization, SOLA—INFORMS Section on Location Analysis, and EWGLA—EURO Working Group on Locational Analysis, of which he is one of the past coordinators.

Currently Editor-in-Chief of Computers & Operations Research as well as member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of the Operational Research Society (UK) and Operations Research Perspectives.

The research interests include stochastic mixed-integer optimization, location theory and project scheduling.

Interesses Científicos

Investigação Operacional; Logística; Localização de Serviços; Optimização sob Incerteza; Planeamento e Gestão de Projetos.

Scientific Interests

Operations Research; Logistics; Facility Location; Optimization under Uncertainty; Project Scheduling and Management.

Publicações selecionadas
  • G. Laporte, S. Nickel, F. Saldanha-da-Gama (editors), “Location Science”, 2nd edition, Springer International Publishing, 2019, 767 pages.
  • Juanjo Peiró, Ángel Corberán, Rafael Martí, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, “Heuristic Solutions for a Class of Stochastic Uncapacitated p-Hub Median Problems”, Transportation Science 53, 1126–1149, 2019.
  • Jordi Castro, Stefano Nasini, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, “A cutting-plane approach for large-scale capacitated multi-period facility location using a specialized interior-point method”, Mathematical Programming A 163, 411–444, 2017.
  • Isabel Correia, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, “A Modeling Framework for Project Staffing and Scheduling Problems”, In C. Schwindt and J. Zimmermann (editors), Handbook of Project Management and Scheduling, chapter 25, Springer, 2014, pages 547–564.
  • Maria Teresa Melo, Stefan Nickel, Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama, “Facility location and supply chain management – A review”, European Journal of Operational Research 196, 401–412, 2009 (Invited paper).

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