- Metalogenia e Geodinâmica
- Geologia Económica
António Mateus
Departamento de GeologiaSala/Gabinete 6.4.49
Ext. Principal 26449
Telefone Direto 217500373
Email amateus@ciencias.ulisboa.pt
Página Pessoal
Carreira Docente Universitário
Categoria Professor Catedrático
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Palavras Chave
- Metallogeny and Geodynamics
- Economic Geology
António Manuel Nunes Mateus earned his Geology Degree, PhD (Geology - Metallogeny) and Habilitation (Geology - Crystallography, Mineralogy and Metallogeny) from the University of Lisbon in 1985, 1995 and 2004, respectively. He is full professor of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) since 2006, and member of the Research Group 3 (Solid Earth Dynamics, Hazards, and Resources) of the Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL). His research interests cover different topics, mostly in interface fields between mineralogy, geochemistry, ore-forming processes and tectonics, mineral exploration, rock deformation and fractals in geosciences. Currently, he is Head of the Geology Department at FCUL and Co-coordinator of the Thematic Line 3 of IDL (Earth Resources for a Sustainable Development). He participated actively in various research projects (competitive funding), acting as Principal Investigator in some of them. He was involved and coordinated of several research contracts with industry, standing out those established with SOGEO, INOVA and Geoterceira (Azores) aiming high enthalpy reservoirs and characterization of geothermal systems, respectively, as well as those developed with Iberian Resources SA (Portugal), Rio Narcea Gold Mines SA (Portugal), Lundin Mining Corporation (Portugal), EPOS (Portugal), Genius Mineira Lda. (Angola) and Syrah Resources (Mozambique) concerning mineral exploration, ore characterization and mineral economy. He supervised or co-supervised 8 Final Projects (Geology Degree), 6 Advanced Training Projects (Post-graduate Courses in Applied Geology), 28 MSc Theses (Geology and Economic Geology), 4 PhD Theses (Metallogeny), all completed; on-going supervisions: 2 PhD, 2 MSc. He served as: Vice-President of the Scientific Council of FCUL (Jan.2000-Jan.2002); Vice-President of the National Institute of Industrial Engineering and Technology (May2003-Apr.2004); Head of the Geology Department at FCUL (Nov.2007-Jul.2009); Coordinator of the Chemical Geodynamics Group of the Centre of Geology of University of Lisbon (Jul.2009-Jul.2015); Member of the Directive Board of the Lisbon Doctoral School on Earth System Science (Jun.2013-Jun.2015); Coordinator of the MSc Program in Economic Geology of the University of Lisbon (Sept.2009 -Jul.2018); Member of the Management Board of the "Portugal Mineral Resources" Competitive Cluster (Dec.2016-Dec.2019); President of the School Council of FCUL (Jan.2018-March2022); Coordinator of the PhD program in Geology of FCUL (Sept.2021-Sept.2024). During the 2013-2015 period he was Special Visiting Researcher at University of São Paulo, Brazil (Science Without Frontiers Program, Brazil). He was also member of the: WG5 (Development Cooperation, Public education, Teaching) of ERA-MIN (European Research Area - Network on the Industrial Handling of Raw Materials for European Industries), Feb.2012-Dec.2013; Ad hoc Working Group on Critical Raw Materials, representing Portugal, European Commission (Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General), Raw Materials Supply Group, Jun.2013-May2014 and Sept.2015-Sept.2017; Technical Support Group on Portuguese Priorities for the 1st Calls of Horizon 2020 under the Societal Challenge Climate Action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials, Sept.2013-Jun.2018; Operational Group 1 (Exploration) of the European Innovation Partnership on Raw Materials (EIP-Raw Materials), Feb.2015-Jun.2017; several External Advisory Commissions (CAE) designated by A3ES (Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education); and many evaluation panels of applications (research projects, PhD grants, FCT Investigator grants, bilateral cooperation programs). He has also activity as an editorial board member and publication refereeing for various journals.
Geologia e Génese de Depósitos Minerais; Geoquímica Hidrotermal; Prospecção Geoquímica; Mineralogia; Geoquímica e Interação Fuido/Rocha
Geology and Genesis of Ore Deposits; Hydrothermal Geochemistry; Geochemical Exploration; Mineralogy; Geochemistry and Fluid/Rock Interaction.
- Ribeiro A., Munhá J., Dias R., Mateus A., Pereira E., Ribeiro M.L., Fonseca P., Araújo A., Oliveira J.T., Romão J., Chaminé H., Coke C., Pedro J.C. (2007). Geodynamic evolution of the SW Europe Variscides. Tectonics, 26: doi:10.1029/2006/TC002058
- Gonçalves M.A., Mateus A., Oliveira V. (2001). Geochemical anomaly separation by multifractal modelling. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 72: 91-114
- Muñoz G., Mateus A., Pous J., Heise W., Monteiro Santos F., Almeida E. (2008). Unravelling middle-crust conductive layers in Palaeozoic Orogens through 3D modelling of magnetotelluric data; the Ossa-Morena Zone case study (SW Iberian Variscides). Journal of Geophysical Research: doi:10.1029/2007JB004987
- Mateus, A.; Carvalho, M.R.; Nunes, J.C.; Carvalho, J.M. (2015). Influence of wall rock alteration and fluid mixing mechanisms in the chemistry of thermal fluids and mud-pool sediments at Caldeiras da Ribeira Grande (S. Miguel Island, Azores). Environmental Earth Sciences 73 (6), 2809-2831, doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3439-7.
- Tassinari, C.C.G.; Mateus, A.; Velásquez, M.E.; Munhá, J.; Lobato, L.M.; Bello, R.M.; Chiquini A.P.; Campos, W.F. (2015). Geochronology and thermochronology of gold mineralization in the Turmalina deposit, NE of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Region, Brazil. Ore Geology Reviews 67, 386-381, doi:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2014.12.013