Encontros Scientia

Societal Transformation and Climate Change Adaptation: PAR Experiences in Portugal

Sala 6.2.51, FCUL, Lisboa

Inês Campos
PhD Student at cE3c (Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Modelling Group)

Participatory action-research (PAR) approaches can be instrumental for supporting collective action, simplifying complex decision-making processes; and facilitating shared common visions towards more sustainable development pathways. PAR is more likely to integrate insights from different knowledge systems, by engaging a number of researchers from diverse scientific disciplines, while attempting to respond to local needs and empirical questions. PAR may thus offer a ground for experimenting with disparate approaches to the study of transitions and transformation.
The hypothesis that underlies this study suggests that, in climate change adaptation research, PAR promotes outputs that may influence more sustainable development pathways through the reflexive involvement of diverse social actors, at different scales and levels of governance.
Three empirical studies illustrate that PAR, co-implemented by scientists and other social actors, is playing a role in igniting adaptation processes in Portugal. PAR does serve the purpose of creating adaptation outputs, such as strategies, plans, or long-term visions for more adapted, resilient and sustainable societies. Case studies do not provide any certainties of whether the momentum for adaptation will be sustained over the medium or long term. Yet, collaborations, dialogue, participation and a continuous reflexivity on how future directions are paved seem to be key features for moving forward in a new sustainability agenda that integrates and transforms the negative effects of climate change.

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais
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