
Liquid-crystal and Magnetic Skyrmions

Sala 8.2.39, Ciências ULisboa

Por Allison Teixeira (CFTC, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal).

In recent decades, physical systems with topological protection have been a focus of extensive research. The so-called skyrmions are an example of topologically stable structures in both liquid crystals and magnetic systems. In liquid crystals, skyrmions can emerge due to the competition between the different director deformations in the system and with the surface anchoring. Once formed, liquid-crystal skyrmions behave as particles, responding to an oscillating applied electric field by moving and interacting with each other. In this work, we propose a simple model to describe the dynamic of the skyrmion as an active particle and compare the results with experimental data. We reproduced the motion of the skyrmion and showed the dependence of its direction and velocity on the frequency of the electric field. On the other hand, the so-called Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction is the principal responsible for the emergence of skyrmions in magnetic systems. In this respect, when its dynamic is beyond the particle-like description, the magnetic skyrmion can deform due to a self-induced field while moving. As a consequence, its effective mass changes. Performing a Monte Carlo simulation, we characterized the skyrmion deformation during its steady movement and calculated its effective mass as a function of its velocity. Besides, we found that when the skyrmion moves faster, the large self-induced deformation triggers topological transitions.

CFTC - Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional
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A major vehicle to bring together the national Physical Chemistry community.

Seminário do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, por Pedro Cruz (Northeastern University).

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Por Giosuè Muratore (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

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Por Pedro Duarte (DM Ciências ULisboa, CMAFcIO).

Título do programa, sobre mosaico de fotografias de jovens cientistas

As candidaturas encontram-se encerradas. Obrigada aos quase 80 candidatos/as!

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Seminários Doutorais no âmbito da disciplina de Projeto de Investigação (Doutoramento em Ciências do Mar).

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Por Maria Manuel Torres (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

Seminário do Centro de Matemática, Aplicações Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional, por Baptiste Claustre (aluno ENS Lyon, estagiário CMAFcIO).

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Por: Jorge Buescu (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

Titulo e data do evento, com imagem de ponte sobre o tejo

Um evento organizado no âmbito da Ação COST EURO-MIC, de cujo Comitê de Gestão Elisabete Silva, líder do Bioactive and Multifunctional Materials Lab do BioISI, faz parte.

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Por Jean-Baptiste Casteras (DM Ciências ULisboa e CMAFcIO).

Chegou a hora: os participantes do Programa Ser Cientista vão apresentar os projetos que desenvolveram ao longo de uma semana, acompanhados por docentes e investigadores de CIÊNCIAS. E todos podem assistir!

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Extended enrolement date until July 12th.

Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo branco

Um evento de reunião da comunidade nacional nas diversas vertentes da informática, com a ambição de ser o fórum de eleição para a divulgação, discussão e reconhecimento de trabalhos científicos.

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