Por Luís Matias (Instituto Dom Luiz).
Abstract: ASZ stands for the Arraiolos Seismic Zone that was studied by Catarina Matos et al. (JGR 2018). It was rejuvenated by the 4.9 ML earthquake at Aldeia da Serra, that occurred the 15th January 2018. Only a few hours after the event the ICT (Évora) and IDL initiated the deployment of a temporary seismic network with an unprecedented density (station spacing ~2 km). I will be presenting the collective work done so far (the first 2 months of data) to characterize this seismic sequence from the seismological point of view that is surprisingly very similar to the ASZ of Matos et al. (2018). Several open questions remain that I hope to be discussed with the audience: what triggered the sequence? why there? why the focal depth is 12 to 15 km? which geological structures explain the seismic activity? What do we know about the deep crustal structure in the area?