Lisbon Webinar in Analysis in Differential Equations

An obstacle type problem as a limit of a model for cell polarization

Evento online

Speaker: Matthias Röger (Technische Universität Dortmund).

We consider the polarization of a cell in response to an outer signal. The mathematical model consists of a diffusion equation in the inner volume coupled to a reaction diffusion system on the cell membrane. In a certain asymptotic limit we rigorously prove the convergence towards a generalized obstacle problem. In term of this limit system we derive conditions for the onset of polarization. The results will be mainly presented for the stationary case, we will briefly discuss some extensions to the time-dependent case. (This is joint work with Barbara Niethammer, Juan Velazquez, and Anna Logioti)

The Lisbon Webinar in Analysis in Differential Equations is a joint iniciative of CAMGSD, CMAFcIO and GFM, three research centers of the University of Lisbon. It is aimed at filling the absence of face-to-face seminars and wishes to be a meeting point of mathematicians working in the field.


Título/data/local do evento e fotografia de António Sampaio da Nóvoa

A sessão será presidida por Sua Excelência O Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

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Apresentação de candidaturas até 15 de dezembro.

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Candidaturas de 01 a 31 de dezembro.

Ação de formação para docentes e investigadores de Ciências.

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