RSS Meetup

Programming Languages for Quantum Polynomial Time

Sala 6.3.27, Ciências ULisboa

Por Mário Silva.

In this talk, Mário Silva will present his PhD work, which focuses on developing static-analysis techniques for quantum programming languages that ensure polynomial-time termination and correct handling of qubit variables (e.g. no cloning, no deletion). We will also see that finding efficient (i.e. polysized) circuit implementations of quantum polytime programs is not trivial, due to problems such as "branch sequentialization", and we will explore techniques that ensure correct asymptotic size bounds for a language that is sound and complete for quantum polynomial time. If time allows, we will look at the same ideas in the context of quantum polylogarithmic time.

Bio: Mário Silva is in the final year of his PhD in computer science at the Université de Lorraine, in Nancy, France, under the supervision of Romain Péchoux and Emmanuel Hainry. He did his Licenciatura in Physics at Universidade do Porto, and his Master's in Mathematics at Instituto Superior Técnico, with a thesis on device-independent quantum cryptograhpy.
His current work falls mostly within the field of implicit computational complexity, which studies characterizations of complexity classes via purely syntactical means, either using function algebras, lambda calculi, or restricted programming languages. Mário's work focuses on implicit characterizations of quantum complexity classes, with applications to efficient compilation techniques.

LASIGE Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre
Título/data/local do evento e fotografia de António Sampaio da Nóvoa

A sessão será presidida por Sua Excelência O Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

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Apresentação de candidaturas até 15 de dezembro.

Um dia para aprender sobre produção caseira de cogumelos, da teoria à prática! Cada participante leva consigo um kit de cogumelos produzido nesta tarde e ainda todo o conhecimento para o fazer novamente de forma autónoma!

An annual meeting that aims to bring together Evolutionary Biologists working in Portugal and abroad in order to promote scientific cohesion and excellence. This meeting is a forum for scientists of all academic levels (from master students to principal investigators), to present their work and discuss, fostering new ideas and collaborations.

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Candidaturas de 01 a 31 de dezembro.

Ação de formação para docentes e investigadores de Ciências.

A leading venue for presenting and discussing the latest research, industrial practice and innovations in dependable and secure computing.
