
Recent Results from MicroBooNE

Transmissão através de Videoconferência

Por Andrew Mastbaum (Rutgers University).

The MicroBooNE experiment is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) located at Fermilab's Booster Neutrino Beam, focused primarily on investigating the anomalous excess of low-energy electromagnetic events previously observed in the MiniBooNE experiment. Using the capabilities of the LArTPC technology to improve background discrimination and probe exclusive final states, MicroBooNE has completed its first suite of complementary searches for excesses in electron neutrino interactions and in neutral current single photon production. In these analyses of an initial subset of the data, consistency with the background model is observed across all search channels. In this talk, I will outline the history and motivation for these searches, describe the experiment and the analyses, and discuss the results and their implications.

Transmissão em direto via Zoom.

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