
What is a physical entity?

Faculdade de Letras da ULisboa

For understanding Nature, modern science has turned to mathematical and physical models that dramatically simplified the complexity of natural phenomena and processes. This was the very key for its long-lasting success. Nevertheless, as Husserl wrote regarding Galileo, this move was simultaneously a discovering and a concealing one. In a sense, the modern understanding of Nature was caught in mathematical formulae. Galileo's geometrization of Physics, and then the grow of analytical and linear methods in mathematical techniques, set the stage where Nature should be addressed from now on: a realm of idealized material essences, like mass points, perfect trajectories, exact positions, and so on, suitable for mathematical formalisms. However, the development of this realm was more and more oblivious of the original sense of Nature, and of the pieces of creative thinking that originally instituted all these idealized essences where modern Physics found out its objects. Locked-up in a realm consisting of material and formal essences, developing a more and more blind manipulation of symbols in formulae and calculations, Physics could now dream of an exact Nature as the simple correlate of this mathematical science of Nature. As a result, at least since the scientific revolution of the 17th century till the beginning of the last century, Physics will assume the perfect absolute localization in time and space, the identity, and the separability of all physical systems. 

Now, at the beginning of our century, a kind of counter-reaction is emerging, due to the severe changes that the 20th century brought to classical Physics. What was really new in the science of Nature in the last century was but forth by Quantum Physics. It is no longer a classical theory, while Relativity continues to be to a certain extent classical, and can be viewed as the cul­mi­nat­ing point of Mechanics (reframing Newton’s gravitation law) and Electromag­netism (with­out the ether-hypothesis). Classical Me­chanics, Relati­vity and Electromagnetism conveyed a clear and unambiguous ontology, respectively centered on the concepts of mass, distributed over space and time, of field, as an extended, non-punc­tual reality, and of space-time “curvature”, in its interactions with the stress-energy ten­sor. The mathematical formalisms they developed prompted by themselves, as their correlates, a clear con­ception of what the (exact) physical reality should be in and by itself.

The other way around, Quantum Mechanics developed a mathematical formalism which was largely undecided about the very nature of the en­tities to which it referred. This problem plagued Quantum Mechanics since its very beginnings, and still continues today. In addition, there are many other difficult aspects of Quantum Physics regarding both the depiction of the physical reality, and what should be accounted for as “physical”. Thus, concern­ing Quan­tum Mechanics, we are not in a somewhat Kantian situation. We have not a full-fledged, uncontroversial “fact of science” with its fixed ontology. In its place, we have an accurate mathematical formalism (perhaps, the most accurate science has ever created), and a problem regarding its ontological inter­pretation in order to characterize what is “physical”. The modern philosophy of Nature was written in math­ematical for­mulae; now, with Quantum Physics, the mathematical formalism only prom­ises a phi­­losophy of Nature.

Quantum Mechanics is, thus, the opportunity to return to a renewed debate about Nature itself. By virtue of its baffling results, the classical constraints have felt-down. Every new approach to understand Reality must assume that physical beings are complex and have both properties of localization and non-localization, that physical entities share a certain degree of individuality and, at the same time, some degree of non-separability, and also that determinism and indeterminism are only extreme ideal boundaries in between of which physical beings generate and evolve.

So, the colloquium will be led by a twofold interest. On the one hand, in a kind of retrospective, historical reflection, it will try to shed light on the original insights that constituted modern Physics. On the other hand, looking forward, it will address the problems a new understanding of Nature imposes on us in the quantum, post-classical age of Physics.

So, we will question:

  • What has phýsis become in light of Quantum Physics?
  • What was phýsis for the Physics of modernity?
  • How do these accounts of phýsis relate to the sense of Nature that opens the field in which, afterwards, the physicist enters as a methodical researcher?

We invite papers on any topic or question related to these issues. Submissions should be in the form of an extended abstract of no more than 1000 words, anonymized for blind review. Abstracts should be submitted by Sunday 31st July 2017, to

Scientific board: José Croca | Pedro Alves | Rui Moreira

CFCUL - Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa / CFUL - Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa (Linha de Pensamento Fenomenológico)
Fotografia de utente a interagir com um médico através de teleconsulta

O workshop, organizado pela redeSAÚDE da ULisboa, pretende explorar de que forma tecnologias de base digital emergentes na área da saúde podem contribuir para o bem-estar e para a melhoria da prestação de cuidados de saúde.

Espiritualidade - como a vive quem é estudante?

Logótipos do programa, de Ciências ULisboa e do GAPsi

Programa de Intervenção de Carreira.

Neste momento de celebração de tão importante acontecimento histórico, será oportuno analisar e discutir a evolução do panorama científico português de forma prospetiva, isto é, olhar para o atual legado científico, 50 anos depois do 25 de abril de 1974, antecipando perspetivas sobre a sua evolução futura.

Seminário do Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas, por Andrey Sadofyev (LIP).

Estátua representativa da biodiversidade do planeta Terra

Seminários de Tese no âmbito do Doutoramento em Biologia e Ecologia das Alterações Globais.

O encontro reúne cientistas, profissionais e estudantes de diferentes áreas e regiões do país focados em desenvolver a investigação marinha, em linha com a Década da Ciência Oceânica para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável, proclamada pelas Nações Unidas (2021-2030).

Formação modular de 13 de abril a 11 de maio - produção em permacultura.

Logótipo da ação CLEANFOREST

Forests are exposed to multiple global change drivers, wich can constrain their ability to continue providing several ecosystem services (including climate change mitigation). Assessing responses - and underlined mechanisms -  at the whole ecosystem scale is paramount for a holistic understanding of forest response to global change.

Seminário Permanente de Filosofia das Ciências, por Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, IRPhiL).

Logótipo do evento

Evento final do Projeto iSEA, com inscrições até 30 de abril.

Título e data do evento, inseridos em fotografia de cinco jovens em contexto de investigação

Este ano, queremos voltar a encher o nosso campus com a presença de todos os estudantes que queiram participar neste evento.

Título e data do workshop

Workshop no âmbito da recente adesão da Universidade de Lisboa à CoARA - Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment.

Título do curso

Curso Avançado CEAUL / Gades Solutions.

Título e datas de candidatura do programa, sobre um padrão em tons de roxo e laranja

Submissão de candidaturas até 14 de maio.

Aula aberta no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Aprendizagem Profunda, por João Carreira (Deepmind).

Logótipo do LIP Summer Internship Program e fotografia de jovem investigador

Os estágios podem ter uma duração entre duas semanas e dois meses e realizam-se nos três polos do LIP - candidaturas até 15 de maio.

Os oradores plenários irão falar sobre a importância da interdisciplinaridade de forma acessível para todos, estando previstas palestras e apresentação de pósteres por alunos.

Logótipo do EVM 2024

Candidaturas até 15 de maio.

Um evento dirigido aos alunos do ensino secundário, consistindo numa palestra sobre a microscopia e em visitas aos laboratórios de microscopia/demonstrações experimentais simples.

Árvore florida

A minha Jornada pela Matemática: Descobertas, Escolhas e Desafios, por Ana Catarina Monteiro - estudante do Mestrado em Matemática (Licenciatura: Matemática).

Aula aberta no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Aprendizagem Profunda, por Hugo Penedones (Inductiva).

Composição com os nomes das Universidades participantes

Candidaturas até 25 de maio (mobilidades no 1.º semestre).

Título do prémio

As candidaturas decorrem até ao dia 31 de maio.

Inscrições até 24 de maio.
