SULTAN Project: 15 PhD positions

SULTAN - European Training Network for the Remediation and Reprocessing of Sulfidic Mining Waste Sites

Applications are invited for 15 PhD positions (“Early Stage Researchers”) to be funded by the Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network within the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission.

SULTAN is the “European Training Network for the Remediation and Reprocessing of Sulfidic Mining Waste Sites”. SULTAN has pooled the interdisciplinary and intersectoral expertise of leading EIT RawMaterials members, world-leading mining and chemical companies, located in Belgium, Germany, Finland, Portugal, Switzerland, Spain and the Netherlands. Together these partners cover all the links in the tailings-reprocessing value chain.

The 15 SULTAN ESRs will not only receive state-of-the-art science/technology training but will also benefit from a unique soft-skills training programme. This will kick-start their careers as highly employable professionals in the EU’s tailings reprocessing/remediation sector, as well as for geological surveys, teaching & scientific organisations, and public bodies.

Full recruitment procedure available here.

Highlights of the The 15 available PhD positions

ESR1: Resource potential and speciation of Cu-Zn tailings for future mining and remediation
Host: FCiencias.ID (Lisbon University, Portugal)
Main supervisor: Prof. Jorge Relvas (
Duration: 36 months
Required profile: Geologist or Geometallurgist
Objectives: (1) To characterise the physical, mineralogical & geochemical properties of Cu-Zn tailings of the Neves Corvo VMS deposit; (2) To determine the solid-phase speciation, metal distribution maps in sulphide minerals and variability of metal allocation; (3) To evaluate the exploitation potential for base, precious and critical metals (incl. Cu, Zn, Ag, Au, In, Se); (4) To perform geometallurgical evaluation of metals for mineral reprocessing; (5) To develop a “from mine to processing plant” model to optimise reprocessing of Cu-Zn tailings; (6) To perform an economic resource potential and remediation assessment.

Key dates

► 15-6-2018: Launch 15 ESR positions
► 15-8-2018: Deadline for on-line application
► 03-9-2018: Circulation list “preselected candidates”
► 18-10-2018: SULTAN Recruitment Event
► 19-10-2018: Circulation list “recruited SULTAN ESRs”.
► 01-01-2019: Targeted starting date for ESR contracts

Título "Jornadas de Matemática" e logótipos das entidades envolvidas

O Departamento de Matemática e o Núcleo de Estudantes de Matemática e Matemática Aplicada associam-se às celebrações do Dia Internacional da Matemática.

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As candidaturas terminam a 20 de março, estando previstos vários eventos de matchmaking para ajudar os participantes a encontrar parceiros para os seus projetos.

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