Peng Ray
Peng Ray is a research scientist at Chevron Energy Technology Company and has conducted research on geomechanics related issues for the past 25 years. Her primary interests are sand production prediction, stress determination, rock strength determination, and wellbore stability. Ray has a BS in mechanical engineering from Beijing University of Science and Technology and an MS in geophysics from Texas A&M University. She has served as chairperson, secretary, and treasurer of SPE’s Southwest Oklahoma Section.
Abstract: As we work in more challenging environments, such as deep water, heavy oil, and high-pressure/high-temperature wells, reservoirs become more complex and more costly to drill and complete. Downhole sand control methods significantly increase the complexity and cost of the completion and challenge the economics of field development.
Is downhole sand control required on all wells that have a potential to produce sand? When the produced sand volume is insignificant, can the sand be managed at surface?
Completions and workovers would be much simpler and cheaper without downhole sand control. Well production would also increase without downhole sand control. This talk addresses how operators can take a holistic approach to sand control.