A equipa vencedora 1 dos EIT Health Innovation Days em Ciências ULisboa é uma das participantes no EIT Health Winners Event, a ter lugar em Londres nos próximos dias 11 e 12 de dezembro.
The Winners Event will include students from winning teams across 18 European Innovation Days. Students will travel to London for a two day event. Day 1 will include inspiring presentations, background research and team building exercises. Day 2 will run similar to an Innovation Day as a competition with the opportunity to win prizes. More design thinking training and pitch coaching will be provided. There is a separate opportunity for a limited number of students to apply to act as facilitators in the Train the Trainer programme. These students will spend Day 1 being trained by specialised coaches and learn how to act as a facilitator. They will then act as facilitators to guide the teams on Day 2 through the competition.
Prizes include free mentorship from our prestigious partner institutions, access to online courses, invitations to Innovation events and much more!
1 1.º Prémio - Pitch: "HCare: improving QoL after a stroke" (desafio apresentado pela GLINTT)
Carolina Bulhosa: Mestrado em Bioestatística
Filipa Tomé: Bolseira BGCT do BioISI (doutorada pela Universidade de Utrecht)
Inês Silva: frequenta o curso de Matemática Aplicada
Mariana Tranquada: frequenta o curso de Matemática Aplicada. É enfermeira no Hospital de Santa Marta