- N. Soave, H. Tavares; New existence and symmetry results for least energy positive solutions of Schroedinger systems with mixed competition and cooperation terms, Journal of Differential Equations 261 (2016), 505–537.
- M. Ramos, H. Tavares, S. Terracini; Extremality conditions and regularity of solutions to optimal partition problems involving Laplacian eigenvalues, Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 220 (2016), 363–443.
- B. Noris, H. Tavares, G. Verzini; Existence and orbital stability of the ground states with prescribed mass for the L^2-critical and supercritical NLS on bounded domains, Analysis & PDE, 7-8 (2014), 1807–1838.
- D. Bonheure, E. Moreira dos Santos, H. Tavares; Hamiltonian elliptic systems: a guide to variational frameworks, Portugaliae Mathematica 71, no.3, special issue dedicated to the memory of Miguel Ramos (2014), 301–395.
- B. Noris, H. Tavares, S. Terracini, G. Verzini; Uniform Holder bounds for nonlinear Schroedinger systems with strong competition, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 63 (2010), 267–302.
Hugo Tavares
(Em Ciências até Dezembro de 2019)
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