
Departamento de Biologia Vegetal

Sala/Gabinete 2.4.04
Ext. Principal 522451
Telefone Direto 217500494

Carreira Docente Universitário
Categoria Professor Associado com Agregação


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Publicações selecionadas
  • Alves A, Confraria A, Lopes S, Costa B, Perdiguero P, Milhinhos A, Baena-González E, Correia S, Miguel CM (2022) miR160 Interacts in vivo With Pinus pinaster AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 18 Target Site and Negatively Regulates Its Expression During Conifer Somatic Embryo Development. Front. Plant Sci. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.857611
  • Ramos AM, Usié A, Barbosa P, Barros PM, Capote T, Chaves I, Simões F, Abreu I, Carrasquinho I, Faro C, Guimarães J, Mendonça D, Nóbrega F, Rodrigues L, Saibo N, Varela MC, Egas C, Matos J, Miguel CM, Oliveira MM, Ricardo CP, Gonçalves S (2018) The draft genome sequence of cork oak. Sci. Data 5:180069 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2018.69
  • Modesto I, Sterck L, Arbona V, Gómez-Cadenas A, Carrasquinho I, Van de Peer Y and Miguel CM (2021) Insights Into the Mechanisms Implicated in Pinus pinaster Resistance to Pinewood Nematode. Front. Plant Sci. 12:690857. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.690857
  • Perdiguero P, Rodrigues AS, Chaves I, Costa B, Alves A, de María N, Vélez MD, Díaz-Sala C, Cervera MT, Miguel CM (2021) Comprehensive analysis of the isomiRome in the vegetative organs of the conifer Pinus pinaster under contrasting water availability. Plant Cell & Environment 44(3):706-728. doi: 10.1111/pce.13976
  • Papoutsoglou EA, Faria D, Arend D, Arnaud E, Athanasiadis IN, Chaves I, Coppens F, Cornut G, Costa BV, Cwiek-Kupczynska H, Droesbeke B, Finkers R, Gruden K, Junker A, King GJ, Krajewski P, Lange M, Laporte MA, Michotey C, Oppermann M, Ostler R, Poorter H, Ramirez-Gonzalez R, Ramak Z, Reif JC, Rocca-Serra P, …, Kersey PJ, Miguel CM, Adam-Blondon AF, Pommier C (2020) Enabling reusability of plant phenomic datasets with MIAPPE 1.1. New Phytologist 227:260-273. DOI: 10.1111/nph.16544

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