
Departamento de Física

Sala/Gabinete 8.1.04
Ext. Principal 28104
Telefone Direto 217500802
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Carreira Docente Universitário
Categoria Professor Catedrático


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Currículo Resumido

Antonio Amorim é Físico, Professor Catedrático e membro do Departamento de Física onde ensinou um vasto leque de disciplinas desde a mecânica quântica e física nuclear, que desenvolveu a seguir ao doutoramento, passando pela física experimental de partículas onde realizou investigação em diversos consórcios internacionais, até à óptica e instrumentação onde coordenou projectos de desenvolvimento de instrumentos para observação astronómica a nível europeu. Foi coordenador da linha de instrumentação do centro SIM e é coordenador do pólo FCUL do CENTRA. É (co-) autor de um livro e 75 artigos científicos nas diversas áreas onde tem realizado investigação, bem como de mais de 300 artigos no âmbito de grandes colaborações de Física de Partículas. Orientou diversos mestrados e doutoramentos.

Leccionou disciplinas de carácter teórico e experimental, de formação em ciência fundamental, tanto para a licenciatura como mestrado em física. Em paralelo coordenou várias disciplinas de ciência aplicada para os cursos de engenharia do Departamento de Física. Coordenou também disciplinas de Física para alunos de matemática, geologia, geofísica, informática e ambiente.

Interesses Científicos

• Infrared instrumentation for Astronomy Astrophysics. – Coordination of large projects, optics, opto-mechanics and cryogenic systems. CAMCAO is a high resolution infrared imaging camera used by ESO on the multi-conjugate adaptive optics setup MAD. The CAMCAO camera was fully designed, built, assembled and tested by our team. – Coordination of the group participation in the GRAVITY consortia as a CO-I. The interferometric instrument GRAVITY was developed and build by a consortium of MPE, MPIA,U.Koln, O.Paris, O.Grenoble and our research center, (Co-I A. Amorim) and is deployed in the ESO VLTI infrastructure. Our team is responsible for the infrared Acquisition Camera system where the four telescope images are analyzed as a field, a pupil tracker, a pupil imager and an aberration tracker(SH). Our developments also include the full image analysis and telescope control software that used the Acquisition Camera images to stabilize the field and pupil images. Participating in the scientific observations with GRAVITY. – CO-I of the Portuguese participation in the ESO/ELT METIS infrared instrument consortia. Supervision of the engineering developments of the Portuguese participation in the support and global alignment structure of the METIS instrument for the future ELT telescope of ESO • Cryogenics and optics for space and mechanical applications. – Coordination of FCUL participation in the MAGDRIVE FP7 consortia on the development of a cryogenic harmonic drive for space applications. The MAGDRIVE FP7 developed and tested a cryogenic magnetic harmonic drive for space utilization. The team coordinated by A. Amorim, was responsible for the cryogenic design and testing of the MAGDRIVE/MP7 cold prototype. – Coordination of the development of the Fiber Laser cutting objective for EDAETECH (Esoposende). • Instrumentation and Information Systems for Astrophysics and Space. – Applied research for space environment - Participation in the “Space Debris” ESA project (2015-2017) – Participating in the ESA Microship Laser development with EFACEC/space. • Data Acquisition for environment/cloud cosmic ray effects and Earth climate aerosol impacts. – Coordination of the development of data acquisition and monitoring systems for the CLOUD experiment at CERN.

Scientific Interests

• Infrared instrumentation for Astronomy Astrophysics. – Coordination of large projects, optics, opto-mechanics and cryogenic systems. CAMCAO is a high resolution infrared imaging camera used by ESO on the multi-conjugate adaptive optics setup MAD. The CAMCAO camera was fully designed, built, assembled and tested by our team. – Coordination of the group participation in the GRAVITY consortia as a CO-I. The interferometric instrument GRAVITY was developed and build by a consortium of MPE, MPIA,U.Koln, O.Paris, O.Grenoble and our research center, (Co-I A. Amorim) and is deployed in the ESO VLTI infrastructure. Our team is responsible for the infrared Acquisition Camera system where the four telescope images are analyzed as a field, a pupil tracker, a pupil imager and an aberration tracker(SH). Our developments also include the full image analysis and telescope control software that used the Acquisition Camera images to stabilize the field and pupil images. Participating in the scientific observations with GRAVITY. – CO-I of the Portuguese participation in the ESO/ELT METIS infrared instrument consortia. Supervision of the engineering developments of the Portuguese participation in the support and global alignment structure of the METIS instrument for the future ELT telescope of ESO • Cryogenics and optics for space and mechanical applications. – Coordination of FCUL participation in the MAGDRIVE FP7 consortia on the development of a cryogenic harmonic drive for space applications. The MAGDRIVE FP7 developed and tested a cryogenic magnetic harmonic drive for space utilization. The team coordinated by A. Amorim, was responsible for the cryogenic design and testing of the MAGDRIVE/MP7 cold prototype. – Coordination of the development of the Fiber Laser cutting objective for EDAETECH (Esoposende). • Instrumentation and Information Systems for Astrophysics and Space. – Applied research for space environment - Participation in the “Space Debris” ESA project (2015-2017) – Participating in the ESA Microship Laser development with EFACEC/space. • Data Acquisition for environment/cloud cosmic ray effects and Earth climate aerosol impacts. – Coordination of the development of data acquisition and monitoring systems for the CLOUD experiment at CERN.

Publicações selecionadas
  • • Molecular understanding of sulphuric acid–amine particle nucleation in the atmosphere, João Almeida, Siegfried Schobesberger, Andreas Kürten, Ismael K. Ortega, Oona Kupiainen-Määttä, Arnaud P. Praplan, Alexey Adamov, Antonio Amorim, et. al. , Nature (2013) doi:10.1038/nature12663
  • • GRAVITY: Observing the Universe in Motion, Eisenhauer, F.; et al (incl. A. Amorim, P.Garcia, P.Carvas, J. Villate, S. Anton, 2011, Messenger, 143, 16
  • • G0. 253+ 0.016: a molecular cloud progenitor of an Arches-like cluster, The Astrophysical Journal, V746, P-117, Steven N Longmore et. Al. (including A. Amorim)
  • • Observation of a new particle in the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, The Atlas Collaboration (Aad G.; et al. including A. Amorim), Physics Letters B Volume: 716 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-29 Published: SEP 17 2012
  • • The ATLAS experiment at the CERN large hadron collider, Journal of Instrumentation, 2008, The ATLAS collaboration (including A. Amorim)

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