Statistics and Operational Research

Mathematicians of CIÊNCIAS in the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon

Founded in 1779, the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon (ACL) has maintained uninterrupted activities promoting, disseminating and sharing knowledge in the sciences and humanities. Along the years, members of the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Statistics and Operational Research have kept a strong presence in ACL. Professor José Francisco Rodrigues (Vice Secretary General and Secretary of the Sciences Class of ACL) and Professor Fernando Ferreira are currently permanent members of the 1st Section (Mathematics) of the Class of Sciences of ACL, as well as Professor Emeritus João Paulo Dias and Professor Emerita Maria Ivette Gomes. Professor Pedro Miguel Duarte is correspondent member of the section. Professor Luís Gouveia is correspondent member of the 8th Section (Information Sciences and Technology) of the Class of Sciences of ACL. Professor Jorge Buescu and (retired) Professor Luís Saraiva are correspondent members of the 9th Section (Technologies, Knowledge and Society) of the Class of Sciences of ACL.


Important and remarkable figures of twentieth-century mathematics in Portugal, former professors of mathematics at Faculty of Sciences, were members of ACL. We mention Fernando Dias Agudo, António Almeida e Costa, Pedro José da Cunha, José Joaquim Dionísio, José Vicente Gonçalves, Vítor Hugo Lemos, José Tiago de Oliveira e José Sebastião e Silva.

The continued presence at the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon of mathematicians of CIÊNCIAS honours the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Statistics and Operational Research and points towards a path of distinction and excellence that the department wants to maintain and to deepen.