Join us on October 22nd (Tuesday) for the 6th edition of CIÊNCIAS Research & Innovation Day!
This event celebrates the groundbreaking research and innovation developed at CIÊNCIAS, highlighting the dedication and creativity of its members. It is an opportunity for faculty, researchers and innovators to share their work with both the internal and external community, fostering collaboration and networking.
This edition includes a special participation from Salvatore Capozziello, Full Professor of General Relativity and Cosmology at the University of Naples Federico II and the coordinator of the PhD programme in Cosmology and Space Science at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale in Naples.
We invite you to attend the presentations that will take place during the day in CIÊNCIAS Grand Auditorium (Building C3, 2nd floor) and participate in the poster session taking place at the C3 Atrium. See the full programme below.
Participation is free, but prior registration is suggested. Please register here.
The clock is ticking…
Join us to inspire future innovation within our vibrant community!
MORNING – Funding for Research and Innovation Powered by FCiências.ID
10:00 – Opening Address:
Margarida Santos-Reis, CIÊNCIAS Research and Innovation Vice-Dean
José Manuel Rebordão, FCiências.ID, President of the Administration Board
10:10 – Sofia Azevedo, Agência Nacional de Inovação (ANI)
Horizon Europe’s 2025-27 strategic plan and the future FP10
10:30 – Inês Cristóvão, Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA)
LIFE programme: European co-financing for the environment and climate action
10:50 – Emiliano Gutiérrez, Raiz
Vertical farming, biotech & climate resilience: a promising academia-industry relationship at CIÊNCIAS
11:10 – Filipe Ribeiro, MARE - ULisboa
‘Fishing’ for research funds and opportunities: lessons learnt!
11:30 – Miguel Magalhães, The Next Big Idea
The next big idea: from academia to the real world
11:50 – Q&A
12:00 – Poster Session Opening: interactive network & share insights (list of posters on display)
AFTERNOON – TIME at the forefront of Research
14:00 – Opening Address: Luís Carriço, CIÊNCIAS Dean
14:05 – Research & Innovation Highlights
14:10 – Keynote Speaker: Salvatore Capozziello, University of Naples Federico II
Time: From time perception to the Time Machine: Starting from a discussion of what is meant by "perception and conception of Time", we discuss the concept of absolute and relative time in Science.
14:40 – Q&A
14:50 – Leading-Edge Research using TIME – Flash Talks
Chemical Sciences and Technologies: Bárbara Henriques, BioISI
Time Matters: Accelerating research, diagnosis and therapies in Rare Metabolic Diseases
Life Sciences: Catarina Frazão Santos, MARE-ULisboa
TIME to take climate-smart planning to the high seas
Earth Sciences: João Duarte, IDL
Time scales: From Pangea to earthquakes
Physical Sciences and Engineering: José Manuel Rebordão, IA
"O tempo perguntou ao tempo quanto tempo o tempo tem..."
Mathematical Sciences: Jorge Buescu, CEMS.UL
The Mathematics of time
Computer Science and Engineering: Vinicius Vielmo Cogo, LASIGE
Navigating the Temporal Challenges of Secure Data Storage and Sharing
History and Philosophy of Sciences: Henrique Leitão, CIUHCT
Time, the stuff of History
15:40 – CIÊNCIAS 2023 Science & Innovation Merit Awards: Margarida Santos-Reis, CIÊNCIAS Research and Innovation Vice-Dean
16:00 – Closing intervention from the ULisboa Rector: Luís Ferreira
16:10 – Closing ceremony: Pedro Almeida, CIÊNCIAS Communication and Ext. Relations Vice-Dean
Networking, drinks & snacks