Lecture Course

Moduli of n points on the projective line

Sala 6.2.33, Ciências ULisboa

Por Herwig Hauser (Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna).

The problem of constructing normal forms and moduli spaces for various geometric objects goes back (at least, and among many others) to the Italian geometers (Enriques, Chisini, Severi, ...). A highlight was reached in the 1960 and 70s when Deligne, Mumford and Knudsen investigated and constructed the moduli space of stable curves of genus g. These spectacular works had a huge impact, though the techniques from algebraic geometry they applied were quite challenging. In the course, we wish to offer a gentle and hopefully fascinating introduction to these results, restricting always to curves of genus zero, that is, transversal unions of projective lines P1. This case is already a rich source of ideas and methods.

  • 02, 09, 10, 13 February 2023: 11:00-12:30
  • 03 February 2023: 14:00-15:30