
Recognition of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa

The continuous search for excellence in teaching has been an objective of Ciências-ULisboa. The faculty places a considerable and daily effort and dedication into this objective.

Surveys carried out every six months to the students show very positive evaluations which are in itsef rewarding of this effort.

However, it is also important to publicly express the perception of the excellence of teaching and the community's gratitude to all those whose contribution is most valued by the students. This is done awarding the Recognition of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa.



Recognition of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa

  • Carlos Alberto Pires Fernandes Marques Silva
  • Francisco Rente de Pina Martins
  • Nuno Miguel Pinto Lobo Matela

Honorable Mentions

  • Ana Rute do Nascimento Mendes Domingos
  • Andreia Cristina da Silva Viegas Mata Figueiredo
  • Carla Maria Duarte Nunes
  • Carlos António da Silva Assis
  • James Bernard Kennedy
  • João Daniel Casal Duarte
  • José Lino Vieira de Oliveira Costa
  • Luís Miguel do Carmo Rosalino
  • Marta Filomena de Sousa Silva
  • Tiago Miguel Dias Domingues



Recognition of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa

  • Ana Cristina da Silva Figueiredo
  • Maria Filomena de Magalhães
  • Nuno Miguel Pinto Lobo Matela

Honorable Mentions

  • Ana Rute do Nascimento Mendes Domingos
  • Carlos Alberto Pires Fernandes Marques Silva
  • Carlos António da Silva Assis
  • Francisco Rente de Pina Martins
  • Jorge Manuel Palma Correia
  • Luís Miguel do Carmo Rosalino
  • Maria Gabriela Gomes de Figueiredo Rodrigues
  • Maria Teresa Ferreira Ramos Nabais Oliveira Rebelo
  • Paula Cristina Freire Pinto Simões
  • Paulo Emanuel Talhadas Ferreira da Fonseca
  • Telmo Manuel Bento dos Santos



Recognition of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa

  • Carlos Alberto Pires Fernandes Marques Silva
  • Carlos António da Silva Assis
  • Nuno Miguel Pinto Lobo Matela
  • Romana Lopes Almeida dos Santos

Honorable Mentions

  • Alexandre Pereira Cabral
  • Ana Cristina da Silva Figueiredo
  • Ana Pimenta da Gama da Silveira Viana
  • Ana Rute do Nascimento Mendes Domingos
  • Francisco Manuel Falcão Fatela
  • Francisco Rente de Pina Martins
  • José Manuel Lourenço Coutinho Afonso
  • Luís Miguel do Carmo Rosalino
  • Maria Margarida Teixeira de Faria Meireles
  • Pedro Miguel Pereira Campos
  • Rui Afonso Bairrão da Rosa



Recognition of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa

  • Carlos António da Silva Assis
  • Maria Gabriela Gomes de Figueiredo Rodrigues
  • Maria Isabel Gonçalves Fernandes

Honorable Mentions

  • Ana Cristina da Silva Figueiredo
  • Francisco Rente de Pina Martins
  • Guiomar Gaspar de Andrade Evans
  • Luís Miguel do Carmo Rosalino
  • Maria Teresa Ferreira Ramos Nabais Oliveira Rebelo
  • Nuno Miguel Azevedo Machado de Araújo
  • Nuno Miguel Pinto Lobo Matela
  • Solveig Thorsteinsdottir
  • Susana Inês da Silva Custódio


Current criteria

Recognitions of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa are awarded by decision of the Director to those teachers who, according to the students' opinion, most distinguish themselves in the effort and quality of their teaching activities.


Teaching Excellence Indicator

A valid pedagogical survey is considered a survey that has an answer to one or more of its questions and that was filled in by students regularly enrolled in the course unit, thus excluding students enrolled in grade improvement or those who cancelled their enrolment in the course unit. To determine the indicator of excellence in teaching for each teacher, all the valid pedagogical enquiries of the curricular units in which there are 8 or more valid enquiries for that teacher are taken into consideration. The indicator of Teaching Excellence (IED) is determined, for each teacher, by the arithmetic mean of the answers to all the questions in the valid pedagogical surveys.



Are implicitly eligible for the recognition of teaching excellence at Ciências-ULisboa for each academic year, those teachers who cumulatively:

a) have a employment relationship with the Faculty, with a research unit or associated to it;

b) have an average of no less than 4 hours per week in the teaching service regularly assigned in the two semesters of the academic year under evaluation;

c) have, until January 31st of the following calendar year, given consent for public disclosure, on the Faculty portal, on other Internet sites and with the media of their name, department, photograph, teaching experience and curricular units taught during the academic year under evaluation;

d) commit themselves, if invited, to present a seminar about their teaching experience and methods, on a date to be mutually agreed upon;

e) have a minimum of 20 teaching surveys considered in the calculation of the IED.



Recognition of excellence in teaching is awarded by the Director to the teachers who cumulatively meet the following requirements:

a) Have an IED greater than or equal to 4.500;

b) The IED is in the 99% percentile of all eligible teachers.

Honourable mentions for teaching excellence at Ciências-ULisboa are awarded by the Director to the teachers who meet cumulatively the following requirements:

a) They have an IED greater than or equal to 4.500;

b) Their IED is in the 95% percentile of all eligible teachers.


Previous criteria (until the academic year 2018/2019)

List for the academic year 2018/2019

List for the academic year 2017/2018

For the purpose of measuring the effort and quality of teaching, we have used the valid answers to the question "Tell us what is your overall assessment of the Teacher". This question with a integer response scale between 1 and 5 is part of the pedagogical inquiries to which students are invited to respond at the end of each of the 2 semesters of each school year. This is done for each of the classes to which these students were enrolled.

All teachers lecturing least 4h per semester on average are candidates for the Recognition Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa.


In order to reflect the diversity of teaching methods and the challenges posed by the different typologies classes, the following categories are established:

  • T - Theoretical classes
  • TP - Theoretical-practical classes
  • PL/TC - Practical and laboratory classes / Fieldwork

For each of the categories, a list of teachers, ordered by the average value of the answers given to the question "Tell us what your overall assessment of the teacher is." is then created. This list excludes students attending classes for which there were less than 8 valid answers at the survey. Moreover, the list considers all teachers with 20 or more answers in the category.


The Recognition Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa acknowledgments are attributed by decision of the Director of Ciências-ULisboa to the set of professors who, in one or more categories, satisfy all the following requirements:

a) They have given their consent for the public disclosure, in the Ciências-ULisboa portal, in other places of the Internet and to the social communication of their name, department, photograph, experience and classes taught in the academic year under evaluation;

b) They have accepted, if invited, to lecture on their experience and teaching methods, to the whole community;

c) They have had an average response greater than or equal to 4.500 in the category;

d) They belong to the percentile 99% of her/his category list.

To professors meeting criteria a) to c) and belonging to Percentile 95% of the list of her/his category are awarded Honorable Mentions of Teaching Excellence at Ciências-ULisboa.