
Welcome to the Geology Department

Welcome to the Geology Department (Departamento de Geologia - DG) of the Faculty of Science of the University of Lisbon, a diverse scholarly community of students, teachers, researchers and technicians working continuously to better characterise and understand the Earth System in its multiple dimensions. Knowledge improvements resulting from this work stimulate the search for innovative solutions and methodological and technological improvements in numerous applications that also consider the emerging scientific challenges and paradigms, from which we point out those related to Global Change and Sustainable Development.

Most of the scholars at DG are members of the FCUL's Instituto Dom Luiz (IDL) research unit, Associate Laboratory, with which we share the mission of knowledge creation and transfer. Research conducted in several domains of Geosciences and their applications is ruled by high quality standards and involves several networks of national and international collaboration, in addition to tight links with public and private entities of diverse scope and committed to different sectors of economic activity, environment regulation and monitoring, land use planning and management, and geological heritage inventory and administration.

At DG we are highly motivated and committed in sharing knowledge and passion for discovery in the multiple fields of Geology and their applications. Eclectic training of recognised quality offered in all the University Education Cycles combines conventional approaches with procedures targeting the development of competences in Geographical Information Systems in addition to different numerical programming and modelling techniques, useful in a wide range of professions. It is thus intended (in classroom, laboratory or field work contexts) to stimulate interest on the dynamics of geological processes at different space and time scales, concurring for a rational education on the constitution, organization and evolution of Earth systems. This training naturally leads to the elements required to characterise all the geological resources (minerals, energy, water, soil), as well as many of the natural physical hazards, such as the seismic and volcanic. In addition, reference frameworks can be assembled to engineering solutions in superficial or underground works, as well as to the analysis of diverse environmental impacts and corresponding measures of mitigation or rehabilitation. The training offered by DG is therefore of broad spectrum, promoting multidisciplinary learning oriented to problem-solving issues, autonomy consolidation and accountability. It has competitive attributes, nationally and internationally, leading to the strengthening of employability in general. Different training components vary according to the specific objectives stated for the Graduation (1st Cycle), Master (2nd Cycle), and PhD (3rd Cycle) study programmes. The postgraduate Courses not granting an academic degree, are organised to address specific needs of professionals and of the labour market.

We strive to provide students with all the training needed to become competent and inquisitive professionals, able to question and to seek for answers that allow them to achieve increasing levels of differentiated understanding of the World, making them environmentally and socially responsible citizens.

The DG is open to anyone who wants to know it and share the fascination of discovering the geodiversity and evolutionary dynamics of Planet Earth, as well as their remarkable intertwines with Life and the development of Human Civilization.

António Mateus
Head of Department